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  1. Then it should only be adding the 3 wires between the MFD and FS210 and setting the port to Connext Format 1. (unless that other Cirrus manifest is required) That should be the minimum to enable the flight plan transfer.. The other wires to the GDL69 and 345R are only needed to get the complete FS210 experience. Transfer, ADSB, + GDL69a control.
  2. I'm pretty sure that if you update to the .37 software. Each software reload will put in the manifests from that software card. That will be the GTX33ES firmware version. Fixing the version is the only item on that special 3X5R manifest. I see that it is page D27 in Rev 9. I was referencing an older rev.
  3. Hmm.. figure D-18 page D26... (I think I wrote that from another install manual first). As for requiring a specific manifest from Cirrus, I can't say. Many of the configuration expansions for GDL88 and GTX345R were done by manually updating the config on the RS485 and RS232 ports, manifests weren't required. This might be one of the, you can do it by loading the cirrus manifest.. but you can also do it by setting the Connext format manually. No matter what you will need a Garmin tech to load the 345R manifest which is an update to the gtx.rgn
  4. Sure, lets build this.. #1 FS210 install manual https://www.rvplane.com/pdf/Garmin/FlightStream210IM.pdf Pages B2 (Power) B3 GDL69 connection B5 RS232 to the GTN (G1000 GDU1000 MFD) GTX345R install manual: http://www.aeroelectric.com/Installation_Data/Garmin/Garmin_GTX3X5_InstallationManualRev9-2017-06.pdf D37 shows a RS232 and RS422 rather than 2 RS422.. From the cirrus wiring diagrams: http://servicecenters.cirrusdesign.com/tech_pubs/SR2X/pdf/wm/SR22/html/wmmain.asp FS210: diagram 24-50-08 Page 12 Shows GDL69, and wires to UAT and MFD MFD: diagram 31-60-02 Page 9 Shows Data Link (210) connected to RS232 #3 (Matches picture in previous post) Once all wires are configured, you must turn off bluetooth on the GTX345R, configure and update the FS210. Update the G1000 to .37. the GTX345 needs different configurations after GDU software v15.X , you can find them in the GTX3x5 manual above. Page C11 & C12 Manually configure GDU#2 RS232 #3 to protocol Connext Format 1 (in & out) There will be some config in the GDL69 page for RS232 #3 Connect format ?, and the GTX345R needs to be set for Connext format 3 Input and Output. There will also be a G1000 manifest to load the GTX345R which is needed after the .37 update since .37 still expects a GTX33ES. Remember your 8GB terrain cards and the 4.9arc terrain database for SynVis. (it will technically fit on the 4GB cards if you don't have approach plates. )
  5. As I theorized in a previous thread, I knew it would work.. If a software rev has the feature, it is there, just that the default config templates (that are airframe specific) won't include it. you just have to configure the interfaces by hand. I have all of the Cirrus wiring diagrams related to this and everything is documented in the FS210 Install manual/wiring diagram except for the 2 wires from the MFD. Those would connect to RS323 #3. (as shown in the picture) I still need to get .37 installed, and convince the tech to add the extra wires. Two annuals ago I had a number of extra wires run from the front to the back to be able to connect the FS210 and a ARTEX1000 to include the NEMA datastream from a GIA63W. (Also in the Cirrus wiring)
  6. I once took off in my Bravo on a single mag (If your run-up is interrupted by something, do the checklist again from the top). .. and as soon as I leaned for cruise the EGT's shot over redline. I have no idea how high it would have gone if I didn't reduce MP and figure out what was wrong. (about 15 seconds after the redline alert) This is the G1000 trace for that flight.. the EGTs were in the 1700's and the TIT hit over 1800 . The bravo has an iconel exhaust which can take 1750.. but will burn it out over time, so I don't normally run it that hot. https://apps.savvyaviation.com/flights/shared/flight/3798462/fb5e68da-c7ec-4b5a-83ee-bcd26c41660a The EGT3 probe is failing, that is why I was flying to the MX shop. So everyone should check what their plane does, but a max power setting with a single mag is going to be very hard on the exhaust..
  7. I only use 2 cards... but I write the DB and secondary data to each card. (Even though Garmin says use separate cards, it isn't necessary) When I had flitecharts, They only went on the MFD SD card. With garmin v14 you only have to update the MFD data, and the system will cross fill to the PFD for the safetaxi etc, but it takes forever. The only feature you must use the top slot for is the ability to pre-load the "next" database before it is valid. I wrote about this back in 2021. https://mooneyspace.com/topic/37849-a-g1000-question/#comment-650673 If you want to use 3 cards.. (one DB and 2 data).. then you need to do the 1st two cards DB and PFD data. Then you need to do the next "pair" of cards.. you can write the DB again to the same DB card and then the second one to the MFD card.. I don't think you can skip the "second" DB card write, so just write it twice.. Garmin thinks you just wrote to 4 cards.. but you just doubled up on the DB card.
  8. Therein lies the problem.. Mooney only admits that the ADSB radar data was updated, and a EIS TIT range bug. (you can read the SB's I listed in the previous message) but the software is updated to GDU 15.24, so from other reports we can see that a number of bugs were fixed from GDU 14.x to 15.24.. you can read from the Cirrus SB's what other bugs were fixed:. I discuss what I found here: https://mooneyspace.com/topic/35714-new-software-g1000-040137/#comment-611212
  9. You need to upgrade to have that feature.. the update to -34 can be done by any Garmin avionics shop., following the mooney SB. But pick one that likes G1000s.. some don't work on them at all. -34 does not require WAAS GIA63W LRUs according to M20-305A M20-305B lists as WAAS only, but is the exact same -34 software. the -37 update (the last one) must be bought from a MSC and then installed. M20-341A lists the 63W but I don't know if it is required. (Also M20-342A. )
  10. I use a sandisk 4G in that slot, the plane originally came with a much smaller 128MB SD card. -30 and after needs the new names. As per M20-306B 4. Highlight file and rename according to the Models listed below: (see FIGURES SB-306-3 & 4) a.) M20M (or M20M.ace) b.) M20R_Ovation2GX (or M20R_Ovation2GX.ace) c.) M20R_Ovation3 (or M20R_Ovation3.ace) d.) M20TN (or M20TN.ace) My system has these files: -rwx------ 1 paul staff 3336 Aug 16 2005 M20M.ace -rwx------ 1 paul staff 585 Oct 13 2017 airframe_info.xml drwx------ 1 paul staff 16384 Oct 13 2017 data_log I don't know if the airframe_info.xml is required. and the data_log is only for -34 and after to log the data for download.
  11. What software REV?. They moved the name of the .ace file around the -32 rev. It must be in the upper MFD slot. the databases both NAV and all others can be in the lower slot. Can you send us a list of the files on each card? I suspect something might have been added to card#1 that confuses the G1000 (or it is missing a file) SANDISK SDcards are the gold standard for the G1000, and size matters. I think 8GB are the largest supported. this is the directory structure of a MFD card with no approach charts (the fc_tpc directory is empty) 9 arc second terrain. airframe_info.xml apt_dir.gca apt_dir.gca.sff avtn_db.bin.dwt avtn_db.bin.sff bmap.bin bmap.bin.dwt bmap.bin.sff bmap2.bin bmap2.bin.sff fc_tpc feat_unlk.dat ldr_sys nav_db2.bin.sff safetaxi.bin safetaxi.bin.sff safetaxi2.gca safetaxi2.gca.sff terrain.adb terrain.odb terrain.odb.sff terrain_9as.tdb I will need to pull the Checklist card from the plane as I didn't take an image.
  12. There are a few in the SanAntonio area.. I used Bob Cabe 10 years ago for my bravo transition. https://themooneyflyer.com/cfi.html
  13. GEA(71) is the Analog-Digital Input/Output data system, not the GIA63(W) which is the NAV/COM/GPS unit.. I suspect your GIA is just labeled as COM2. boot your G1000, Pull the COM2 breaker. and look at the status of the LRU modules.. COM2 and GPS2 should be marked offline. That is "AUX" group (outer knob) then "system status" which is 5-6 clicks of the inner knob. That should list all of the LRUs..
  14. We would need to see a picture of the breaker panel, or have a copy of the detailed wiring diagram (the poh one is usually not enough) We would essentially be guessing which breaker handles GIA63#2. They can be separate breakers or they could be combined. from what I see in the POH there is only a COM#2 breaker. I would pull that breaker and check in the status page on the G1000 that COM2 and GPS2 are offline.
  15. That seems a bit much. If they are treating you like a jet, ask for piston single speeds. Those 172's aren't doing 120kts in the pattern. I was just down in Marco, and Ft Myers approach had me in a 500'/min descent @ 160 kts. I had no problem slowing down around 3000', and had the gear down by 2000' with a 90kt straight in to Marco. I haven't landed at Naples for many years, but I remember a regular 90kt downwind to base to final. Perhaps it was a slow evening. At a class D I will be at 90kts in a downwind or base position. That allows plenty of time to slow to 75 on final. I've had downwind extended for 5 miles, I've done 360's but other than class B's "keep it up until 2 mile final" it is reasonable.
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