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Everything posted by Mikey

  1. I am going to have the wastegate checked. That seems like the next logical step. I’ll update when I know more.
  2. Hello all. I was flying to Oshkosh and just west of Texas I noticed the EGT and CHT of #6 cylinder were off of what they normally are. Not enough to be alarmed and land, but just off. I went up higher to get out of some thermals and noticed the Compressor Discharge Temperature was at redline. I stopped the climb and leveled off. The CDT went down but was still reading about 25 degrees hotter than normal. When I landed at KGPM I looked inside the cowell and saw the #6 cylinder didn’t have an exhaust gasket. Shop on the field checked it out and fixed it but said turbo was bad so they sent it to Main Turbo. Main turbo said it only needed a gasket replaced so they fixed it and bench tested it. Everything checked out. I flew the plane back to San Diego and was still getting high discharge temps on climb and at altitude. I had the shop next to me in SD test the probe/gauge to make sure all was correct. It checked out. Took it flying and down low all is well with the CDT. At 8k and above CDT starts headed to redline. It’s a M20K/231 with intercooler & merlin waste gate. I’ve flown the plane 600+ hours and this is the first time this has happened. Any ideas?
  3. I thought the same thing but they seem to seal pretty well and they are only about 2 years old.
  4. I am going up again in the morning and I'll check the temps with the same fuel flow. Do you think running it at that fuel flow and TIT is too far LOP?
  5. Hello all. Over the last 4 or 5 months, I have noticed my CHT's have been steadily rising and the spread from the hottest to the coolest is increasing as well. (Used to be 30 degrees, now it varies between 35 & 40) It is to the point where I can't fully close the cowl flaps. This hasn't been an issue for the last 250+ hours on the plane over the past year and a half. This is when I started running LOP. I have an M20K/231. Inner-cooler and 'automatic' wastegate & GAMI injectors. I took the first picture this morning while flying from Phoenix to San Diego. LOP, 12k, Cowl flaps in tow (Fully closed and CHT's go over 400) The second pic is almost a year ago to date. LOP, Cowl flaps closed, not sure altitude but probably pretty close to 12k. I know It was running about 45 degrees more LOP a year ago, but the CHT's are much cooler with the cowl flaps closed than they are now. What could/would have changed over the last year? (Compression check 2 weeks ago showed about same as annual in Nov. Any help would be appreciated!
  6. Does anyone know where I can rent a Mooney in the Arlington, TX area? I will be there mid October for work. I'd like to fly to Kerrville on my days off. A 172 just isn't gonna cut it! I have a M20K/231 with plenty of Mooney time. Thanks for your help!
  7. Thanks for the help. Since we landed and checked everything we cannot duplicate the problem so I have no idea what to do next. We've put about 6 hours on the plane since flying around the Northwest. I'll keep ya posted when we get it figured out.
  8. Do you think it only fails at altitude?
  9. Neither low or high seemed to make a difference. It didn't drop off all at once. I noticed TIT climbing around 6k and checked fuel flow and it was dropping off fairly quickly.
  10. Hello all. I had a problem with my fuel flow yesterday. ('82 M20K/231) I took off from Paso Robles, CA around 10a headed for Santa Rosa, CA. It was about 82 degrees OAT. Fuel flow was normal on take off and climb out (about 25GPH) until about 7000 feet. The fuel flow started dropping off TIT started increasing and fuel flow would only max out at about 15GPH. Leveled out at 8000 and ran it LOP. Everything was normal for LOP operations. Did some troubleshooting in the air (switched tanks, low boost pump, high boost pump) Nothing changed during LOP so felt it was OK to continue. We landed at Santa Rosa and spent some time with a mechanic on the ground. He couldn't figure out the problem either. Did a high speed taxi down the runway and fuel flow was normal. Took it up in the pattern and again everything was normal. We did fuel up before we left KPRB and I didn't sump the tanks for water. Maybe there was water in the fuel? Any other ideas?? Thanks!
  11. Very helpful. I am going through this right now. Hopefully new spring and a clean seat will fix the issue. Thanks!
  12. Time to rebuild #1 cylinder. Where is a good place to order a rebuilt one from? Preferably in Southern California area. Thanks.
  13. Even better!
  14. Excellent information. Looks like I gotta get out my old drafting equipment and start drawing. Thank you.
  15. Has anyone installed a vernier throttle control on their M20K? I have a 1982, 231. My throttle control is very sensitive and I feel like a vernier type control would work much better. I've looked on McFarlane and it doesn't seem like they make one for an M20K. Any feedback would be great. Thanks.
  16. Donated!
  17. Hi Jack. I have a KFC200 and the toggle switch to turn the autopilot ON doesn't engage all the time. It basically won't stay in the ON position. Sounds like you were having the same issue. Where did you end up getting the new switch? Thanks for the info.
  18. Who should I talk to at Crown Air? Does the guy at SEE let you help with repairs or does Crown Air? I am definitely interested in doing owner assisted repairs like the Gami injectors. And replacing the landing/taxi lights with LED versions.
  19. I am located in the hangars off of Marshall. Not sure what those are hangars are called or if they have a name. They are located right near the fuel island near the cafe.
  20. Welcome to SD. I am a new Mooney M20K 231 owner myself and am planning on using it for my IFR training. It is based at KSEE. Hangars are more available and cheaper! Does anyone know if the SD Mooney owners every get together to talk shop or fly together?
  21. Thank you for all the information. I've looked in the POH and there isn't anything in there. I'm thinking because they were an aftermarket add on. I found a a sales flier from TurboPlus saying they can be deployed at any speed. That might be good enough but would rather have a more official document.
  22. I am new Mooney owner. I have recently purchased a 1982 M20K 231. I have to say that this forum has been very helpful in getting to know my Mooney. It is equipped with Turbo Plus Speed brakes. I can't find the maximum operating speed. I've looked through the forum and only find info on Precise Flight Speed Brakes. Can anyway help? Thank you!
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