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PilotPierce last won the day on October 1 2015

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About PilotPierce

  • Birthday 06/10/1979

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  1. Looks like the verdict is in, i sorta knew it'd come to this. Waas gps it is now the only question is what setup to go with, gtn 650 I guess. Do I need a CDI or HSI? Should i spring for EFIS? I can't see putting a 430 in it, unless I can get a slide in upgrade later. Any thoughts? Thanks for everyones two cents!
  2. Want to learn to fly IFR old school with steam guages and no gps in my 74 m20F. Right now the only equipment i have is single kx155a with glidescope. Not interested in purchasing IFR gps at this time. What other equipment would you recommend I install. I'm thinking second com/nav radio with second CDI , and a maybe DME? Not sure if it's worth the money to upgrade panel with antique equipment. Will I want DME? Will i want second com/nav and CDI needle? How about ADF?, NDB?... What other equipment is useful that I could install for relatively (for ga) cheap? Planning on updating panel with IFR gps and ads-b transponder in 2020 but till then just need minimal equipment to train and fly occasional light IMC. Thanks for any input.
  3. I remembered to look at the " dark spot " in the pictures. Its actually a small fresh air scoop just runs straight into the interior with a small screen to keep debris out. My bird has been down in the Caribbean since it was new so I'm guessing its something one of the two previous owners added to cool things down in the cockpit. Ill have to see how it works out in the cold winter air here in Denver.
  4. Wanted to update everyone on this. After looking at the fuel line that runs to my pressure gauge I noticed it was old and somewhat corroded, it looked like it had been weeping on the bottom. My a&p and I pulled it off and replaced it and sure enough it was full of fuel, and guess what no more vibration! Anyone who is having this problem should definitely take a look at that fuel line running from the firewall to the gauge as I believe mine was weeping just enough to allow it to fill with fuel and cause the vibration condition. Kind of frightening to think about what would happen if it totally ruptured while in flight!
  5. DXB thanks for sharing your story, it's nice to know im not the only one that purchased a mooney with so few hours under my belt. It's great to hear that you're experience has been a pleasurable one, and thanks to everyone else for the warm welcome.
  6. Wait isn't that supposed to be there?not sure shrapnel maybe? JK, never noticed it, I think it's a nice round hole. I'll have to look closer when it comes back from annual. Good eyes Marauder im impressed! Thanks for the compliments HRM, Mooneymite and Cloud, sure makes a guy feel proud. Honestly though she looks better in pictures, little rough around the edges, don't bother me though I've already had my dog up with me, bought it to use.
  7. Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow mooniacs! Im new to aviation, but always wanted to be a pilot. Walked into a flight school last summer and just kept comming back everyday till i got my PPL. Learned to fly in 180 piper archer, but had my eye on Mooneys since day 1. This summer i just could not help myself, I found the plane i wanted 74F with really low time airframe (855 hrs), and motor/prop (144 hrs since 2006), so i wrote a check. Found a hangar at my home airport KBJC near Denver the owner was willing to part with so i wrote another check, (sorta jumped in head first i know). Flew out to miami commercial one way two weeks ago, met with a cfi and we flew my bird back, logged 13 hrs in one day, whew! I took the Mooney up for the first solo flight in my new plane a day later, what a rush! Now the Mooney is in for her first annual and so far things are looking pretty good. So here I am guys green as they come 90hrs TT with 14 in type and 5 takeoffs / landings in it. Noticed this site is full of really friendly people who are super knowlegable, so thought i would introduce myself and N25EJ.
  8. has anyone tried this? I also have vibrating fuel pressure needle in my 74f.
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