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Everything posted by Dham

  1. It's a 67 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Does this help? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. This was before last two cylinder. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Don't think it's an instrument issue because down load should it reaching 700 and they had to be replaced after less than 10 hours on new cylinders. And temps seem normal in level flight with cowl flaps open. I do have pictures I will send. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. I do have a JPI 830. Mech talked about adding some sheet metal. It seems that in level flight temps are ok but that's with cowl flaps open. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Hey guys. Looking for some thoughts on what can be done to get CHT closer on my M20F Just had back two cylinders replaced second time in about 10 hours of run time. Had problem with fuel flow divider after replacing all cylinders that caused 3&4 to reach 700 plus. Now back two are 75 degrees hotter. On the ground this comes from Mech. Don't know exact temps at this time. He was talking about adding some sheet metal baffles. He thought the silicone Baffles were in good shape. After replacing all four cylinder it seem to always run hot on take off / climbing. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
  10. Finally got up grades to transponder. New transponder has weather so I have a stratus 1 for sale $250 obo garmin gtx 327 best offer
  11. Just a little follow up. Cylinders 3&4 sent off and they are trashed. ( only 3 months old) sent fuel flow divider off it did seam to have teflon in it??? But the Diaphragm did have a tear also. Not sure where teflon came from or if this is the cause yet. Will post the EMS when I get a copy.
  12. Looks like someone used teflon on fittings of the spider causing fuel flow issue which over heated #3 to 700deg. Sending spider of to be checked and pulling #3 for repair. (Just had all four cylinders replaced in sept. ) JOY!
  13. A&P is pulling that cylinder. Not sure what is going on.
  14. On earlier flight it seemed to what I describe as surging and when I got leveled off it seemed to quit surging. Nothing showed on EMS. Could fuel flow divider cause these symptoms ??
  15. Yes they did on #3.
  16. I know. Had four cylinders replaced in sept. And still had mineral oil so temps have been high on climb out (400fpm) so my jpi showed high. Cht then went to 700. Not sure what happen engine quit on final but temps seem to be normal just before quitting.
  17. Can a fuel flow divider cause high CHT (700) and EGT on # 2&3. A&P has plane now. Maybe a clogged injector(s)?
  18. I purchased my plane it to had flown very little over the last five year prior to my purchasing it. This is my second plane first mooney. Love my plane but wow if you are not familiar with mooney as my self good luck. My plane was coming out of annual and I had inspection. I have spent two year and counting learning what happens to a plane that flys little. Find a mooney shop and a fellow mooney owner (experienced) to look over plane that Will I'm sure give you much wisdom. Good luck
  19. Interesting. My 67F had all 4 cylinders replaced and fuel servo in aug. still running mineral oil was running hot on climb out but cool down in level light thought it was normal so I was looking forward to oil change. Last week took off and noticed what I call a little stutter and was going to land at nearby airport but seem to get better so I continued 30 minute flight (to get new transponder). When I picked plane up had same issue at 3000 temps seemed fine. As I was getting ready for a 2 mile final the engine quit. 2 mile final in a mooney not hard but not fun. Give my running hot on climb out thought it was mineral oil and hot day but not sure it may just be running lean. Hope to know something soon. I do have JPI 830 I hope will help take some guessing out.
  20. Very nice!
  21. Bob, your panel is going to be envious. If only I could talk my kids out of going to college!
  22. Wow, yes I have had the landinging light switch off at times. I thought it was weird what little space the switches had. I love my plane but I have learned/learning a lot the hard way. Mooney space is an awesome resource. Thanks to all who take the time to help new mooney guys!
  23. Thanks for your response. They have put it back together. I will have my A&P replace the mounts. Is it possible and feasible to replace the panels. I wanted to clean up the panel i.e. Get rid of plastic
  24. I took my m20f in for new transponder and panel upgrade. And was told panel up grade was not possible without a lot of modification because of the panel mounted on rubber grommets. It was suggested to replace bad grommets that had allowed panel to drop about an inch (that I hadn't noticed) but if not replaced could drop further an cause problem. Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated.
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