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Everything posted by JKSmith

  1. Is there a place I can mail the filter to? Or could I request it to be done by my A&P during the pre buy? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. I like the mechanical stuff, it makes me feel like I'm doing something Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I didn't realize it had that many owners, he always gave me the impression that he was the 2nd or 3rd owner. I'm glad people are looking into these things for me. It raises a concern for me that's for sure. Thanks a lot for your help! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I agree, I think the quadrant is better manageable, the dang fuel injected motor threw me off too. It seems like it's harder to start. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Has anyone flown a Mooney out of a grass field before? I think it could be doable if the field is properly maintained, and planted with grasses like Bermuda grass and the ground is compacted regularly. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. He bought a piper Saratoga with a g1000 with auto pilot and air conditioner. He kept the mooney and flew it occasionally. I put the last 6 hours on it over the past few months. He bought it from the original owner. The hours on the motor vs the airframe threw me off because at 4000 hours you'd think it either just had a over haul or needed one soon but when the accident happened it got a over haul and when it was time to over haul again at TBO it got a factory refurbished motor. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. There's some pics of the bird Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. The aircraft has been hangered it's entire life as far as I know. I put 5 hours on it a week ago with the current owner just to get it out honestly. It flew good but things can change quick in my opinion on things that have sat a while. My mission with a airplane is kinda mixed. My current FBO doesn't like they're planes gone much longer than a day so all I've been able to do is take $100 hamburger runs on my own. But I would really like to take trips to air shows most trips I currently make now average 150nm but that's with a rental. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. No problem, like I said earier I'm not trying to be a pest, and what I've failed to mention is that I've sat on a computer for weeks finding pre written information on mooney's especially the F model. There's a big write up online that I read that peaked my interest but still its pre written. The only person in my area that I can talk to about mooney's in general is the owner of this mooney and it's always nice to get some input on the plane and maybe find out new things to be aware of. i don't wanna be spoon fed and I have no problem answering questions that may have been asked before, because usually on these forums you'll get 1,000,000 answers to a simple question. Sorry for your frustration I'm just wanting self assurance so that I'm making the right steps into ownership.
  12. I asked first of all because there maybe one similarity to my question per 100 posts to the forum. Second of all due to the variants of mooneys my F may call for a different line of questioning or response. I'm no trying to be a pest I just want information from people that have had more expericne with these type of things than I have.
  13. I never asked about a oil analysis, from my understanding oil was changes during the annuals, it has always been hangered, he's asking $45,000 for the bird, I haven't haggled at the moment because I want to see how the pre buy goes before I make any kind of offer. I talked to my A&P friend that I have made over the years and he wants to pretty much do an annual on the plane, testing the mags, compressions, airframe and landing gear. He told me that they'res a test that he done that required using a magnet to test the airframe for corrosion. But anyways I want my first plane to be a enjoyable experience not a nightmare
  14. Looking to get some solid opinions, I was approached by a good friend of mine to purchase his M20F. It's a decent bird, original paint, decent interior, and seemingly low hours. I believe 4,000 airframe, and around 250 on the motor. The only thing I hate about it is that in the past three years it has been flown maybe 25 hours. He has agreed to let me get checked out in it, and let a mechanic of my choosing go over it. It has received a annual every year and has never been out of annual. I would really like to know what I need to look for and what I should expect. I have a lot of time in cessnas and only a few hours in a Statesman mooney thank you ahead of time any input is appreciated.
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