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    X35, FL.
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    M20K 262 Trophy

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  1. Update: found one at Preffered Aircraft Parts. Will be here in three days. $1300….
  2. @Gee Bee Aeroproducts that’s nice! If I can squeak mine out to annual (May) and send you mine, how long until I’m airborne? right now still having problems sourcing a replacement. Schematics for the LB1 engine that you sent looks different than TCM schematic for MB engine and the part numbers are different. I can’t find the 654884 exhaust pipe for the MB yet so sending mine out might be my only option. also sending note to @kortopates to see if he has any ideas.
  3. @Gee Bee Aeroproductswhat vendor did you post for that tailpipe?
  4. My mechanic also sent me that part number at BAS. BAS has it listed for an LB engine. Not sure if there is a difference yet.
  5. @Z W, thanks. I actually replaced it last annual.
  6. Thanks Marc. I think you are correct on the part number. Will confer with my mech tomorrow and will probably give AWI a call to get it going.
  7. Hello Folks, Time to replace my exhaust pipe. It seems several inches have already been taken off due to pin holes over the years. I now have developed about 4 new pin holes on top of pipe and need to resource a replacement. I looked in my IPC and can’t find a part number but my pipe is on a TSIO-360MB and aft of turbo. Pic below and looking forward to conversation. You can see the pinholes on the top and towards the end. Holes are causing the soot around exterior of pipe which was the catalyst I have a problem.
  8. Thanks Alan, yes hugely beneficial last year and meeting you all in Ocala. I plan to go every other year for my biannual.
  9. Jeager interiors has grey. I actually bought grey but then went with black. I have some left over but nor sure if it would cover everything for because I did use a little on front windshield plastic and inside the windlace. But i would check https://www.jaegeraviation.com
  10. Happy Holidays! Hey, I’ve been wondering this for sometime. Do you folks tip your mechanic during the Holidays? If so, money, bottle of their favorite beverage? Or do you wear the University ball cap your mechanic’s kid goes to because your considered a private donor and figure, “ehhh,he’s good”
  11. Once he has them it’s about a week. We picked out color and materials so he has them on the shelf. He will notify me when he has downtime and I’ll send them off. Probably end of January or early February.
  12. Yes, aircraftspruce has some seat cushion options you could use as a temporary way of adding some comfort while you decide what to do long term or if you have to wait to send your seats in.
  13. Over the last couple years I’ve done mine and used multiple sources. The last piece I have are my seats. I talked to Hector at AEROCOMFORT Tuesday who is currently doing my glareshield and trim. I am sending my seats to him after the holidays. For everyone’s S/A he is discontinuing complete drop off GA interiors as of 1 January. He is on contract with AIRBUS who is taking a bulk of their time but he will do GA just not drop off complete interiors. When you want to send something in, plan early. i did my plastic on my own and had AIRTEX send me the carpet. I recommend diving in and doing some yourself, it’s a great way to get to know your airplane while you wait to send your seats off you can always add a cushion. Aircraftspruce lists a number of them for a temporary until you decide what to do.
  14. I still have my display but not sure if it’s what you’re looking for. I’ll send a photo.
  15. That’s a good idea. I also have a Home Depot crawl space dehumidifier in my hanger set at 55% humidity. I’m also in central Florida. It has a pump attached to a hose I run out the side of the hanger. Keeps the entire airplane dry.
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