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Everything posted by Heybluez

  1. Awesome.. we "found" it . Also a picture of the inner seat. Looks ok BUT i dont know... haha. Gonna try to heat it up in water and see what happens.
  2. thanks all! Funny, I guess we taught this mechanic something new. Fun fact, I don't usually use the home field folks -- just did not want to fly my plan 30 minutes, get a ride back and all that so figured I would give them a shot. Let's see. Will report back.
  3. Time to let my bird go as I need to look at something with a little more room. I have owned N5815X for over 5 years and I love this plane. She will make a new owner very happy. Priced at $115,000. More info here: https://n5815x.webflow.io/. Logs available upon request. Just DM me your email address. Thanks! ~MJP
  4. ha... out of curiosity -- where is the vernatherm? I will go look for it tomorrow....
  5. I asked a mechanic on my home base to check out my plane and he told me that my oil cooler doesn't have a vernatherm? I have a 1986 M20J. I'm confused, could be possible? He wants to change the 'temp bulb' to see if that fixes it. Thoughts? Thx!
  6. Went and took a look... looks like no bird nest but the baffle might need to be replaced. Will do when I get back. I went ahead and pushed the baffle back as much as possible. Will see what she does tomorrow morning on way home. btw. It’s a Mooney M20J. Pic of baffle here.
  7. My typical cruise temps were between 195-205 but Friday I flew to Memphis from Charlottesville (~4 hours) and my temps were in the 225 range. I opened the cowl flaps and kept the temps to 185 range. I am flying back today and will keep an eye on temps but curious as to any ideas as to what I should check given the change?
  8. I have a JPI engine monitor and notice that reading from the JPI and the engine gauges do not match -- or are even close (see images). Is this due to the JPI is more accurate or does the JPI need to be configured? IMG_1868.HEIC
  9. Wow.. mine are off as well... this thread is great, I may have to take mine to kmrn as well. Thanks!
  10. Yes. This is the one I have: http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/pspages/rta600.php?clickkey=11303
  11. Yikes. I did no drilling on the plane itself! See description.. removed the carpet piece... nothing on the structure of the plane. No way I'd be that "brave" to go sticking a drill where it doesn't belong!
  12. I unscrewed the plastic back seat top, then unscrewed and removed the carpet piece that is covering the metal frame. The carpet is the one with the levers that move the seats. It is supported by a plastic backing. I measured where the bracket should be, then drilling through the plastic backing with a drill bit big enough for a #8 stainless steel screw. I then used two washers, a screw and nut (each) to fasten the bracket to the carpet piece. I even put some teflon anti chafing tape over the nuts in the back just in case it touched the metal when put back on but it doesn't seem to touch anyway. Then I reassembled it all. NO DRILLING INTO ANY STRUCTURE!
  13. First 'upgrade' of the year! Firgured it beats it rolling around the back seat looks like a good place.. the seats don't touch it even when all the way back. I think it will also be out of the way for passengers even though I've not been able to test that.
  14. Interesting. Mine has a clip. See pics. The fuse is a 20mm 10A fuse. You can get them on Amazon Prime pretty cheap.
  15. I've replaced the internal fuse but mine was not soldered in. It has a clip. Can you send me a pic of the internal of your switch? yes... don't put too much on that switch.. says 10A but seems to be very sensitive on the load it gets.
  16. awesome.. just got it to work with a T-Mobile SIM card! Tomorrow I will go hook it up at the hanger and test. This will save me a ton of trips the night before I want to fly to turn on the heater... woo hoo.
  17. Does this still work with 3G networks? I have the SC3-GSM switch as pictured in this thread and the AT&T GOPHONE simcard and it wont connect
  18. Will be 2 years next May 20.
  19. This is great! I'll be there from the 28-31 but will be coming in my friends Baron. Can't wait to see all the mooneys; my first time at osh kosh. Safe travels all.
  20. Will be going from Charlottesville, VA to Denver, CO. Current planned route is: KCHO KRSV KCNK KBJC would love a good restaurant on first leg. Indiana? Illinois? Suggestions? thanks! mjp
  21. Nice! Alan, I will see you there. ~Michael
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