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Everything posted by xrs135

  1. Good info on here. Sounds like I'm sticking to the book procedure, which has been working great for me so far!
  2. Well... Without getting into too much detail, yes, It's like garytex said. Many people believe that by pumping the throttle without turning the engine over at the same time is a SERIOUS safety issue, because you essentially just get a massive puddle of raw fuel sitting in the airbox due to the way the carburetor is mounted. By pumping the throttle while cranking, there is enough suction being created to keep the fuel from puddling and draw it up into the engine instead. The fear is that the fuel poses a huge engine fire during start threat if there is a source of ignition introduced to all the sitting fuel.
  3. Starting procedure for the carbureted O-360 in my M20C without a primer installed... -Mixture full rich -Fuel pump on -Pump throttle 2 times (3+ if cold) -Fuel pump off -Throttle 1/4" -THEN crank engine ...If this is such a terrible technique (due to risk of fire if there is a backfire), then WHY is the the procedure listed in both the POH, and the Lycoming Operator's Manual? You'd think over the years the Lycoming would come out with some sort of alternate starting procedure? Honestly, I've been starting the plane with this technique without any issues... but after reading up on the matter, I think I'm going to start trying out the fuel pump off, mixture rich, and throttle pumping while cranking technique as a means of priming and see how that works out for me. Opinions?
  4. Not sure, but I don't think so as long as it's plugged into co-pilots side
  5. Keep us posted how they work out! I'm curious to know if you have to cut any plastic trim or not.
  6. I'm in Reno. I have a PVC pipe fuel selector tool thing. I never use it, you can have it. Problem solved.
  7. I ended up going with this... https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/avpages/avhss.php I think it should get the job done for the rare occasion that I have somebody in the back!
  8. Thanks for all the replies! Portable/temporary option it is!!
  9. How difficult/expensive is it to have an intercom installed in the back seat so that people in the back can be "in the loop" with those up front? I don't really even need it for both back seats, as I never fly with 4 people... but having at least one plugin back there might be nice! Anybody have experience with this?
  10. I do appreciate everyone's insight. I agree with others that you may have taken it just a little bit too far at this point. We understand that you are having a bad experience with your MSC, but you shouldn't automatically assume all MSC's are the devil. Fact of the matter is that there are good shops, and there are bad shops. The original intent of the thread was to get different opinions/viewpoints so that I can make a well informed decision when it comes time to choose my shop. I've decided what I'm going to do at this point, based off of everyone's opinions... and again, I appreciated everyone that contributed to this thread. Thanks guys!
  11. So back to the original question really quick - IF I choose to go with a MSC, it would be between LASAR and Top Gun. I know people have been happy with LASAR, but what about Top Gun? Has anybody had good/bad experiences with them? Top Gun would be more convenient for me location-wise.
  12. The last annual was done at a very reputable (non-MSC) shop, but not Mooney "experts" by any means. I'd LOVE to get involved and do an owner assisted annual... I just literally don't have time to dedicate to it this time around. I'm thinking the best course of action is to take to to LASAR or Top Gun this year, and have it looked over thoroughly to give me piece of mind. The following year, I can figure out how to logistically do the owner assisted annual and learn as much as possible. It's definitely not the cheapest option going with LASAR or Top Gun... but at least you know it's being done right. I assume both places are relatively comparable in price?
  13. I'm coming up on my first annual inspection this February since owning my 68' M20C. I'm based out of Reno, NV. Should I take my plane to Lake Aero, Top Gun, or somewhere else for my annual? I feel like I can't go wrong taking it to a very reputable shop the first time around. I know I'll pay more, but at least they both have extensive knowledge related to Mooney's whereas Joe Bob A&P may or may not. Thoughts/opinions on either place or elsewhere?
  14. $4.99 in Carson City, NV!
  15. What yoke mount do you have for the iPad Mini? It looks super close and clean as compared to mine mounted on the yoke!
  16. Looking for the same thing for my M20C. Did you find a donor yet?
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