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Jerry Pressley

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Posts posted by Jerry Pressley

  1. flyuntgr..You got any crows down your way that you don't need?   guess I need at least one. hard to eat more than one at a time. My apologies for the post.  but in reality very few people know that when the pressleys do an annual it is always by the mooney guide out of the maintenance manual.   Pretty well covers everything.  Of course Don in Texas or Tom at top gun in California give you a much better warm fuzzy feeling and I'm all for taking them there.  as far as cleaning up and touching up a sitter, I see much worse mooneys sitting on the ramp being flown regularly.  For some who do not want the history of former belly damage there are still a very few early mooneys that are virgins and they can be found,  The customer that wants a nice one and doesn't mind a good repaired one for half price....

    as far as 30,000 hours, have been doing this for more than 50 years so that is only 1600 per year. 135 per month  30 per week.  even at my age I invite anyone to come fly with me  for a week.  we will go to southern Lousiana and ferry a 231 to Virginia. 5?  then to southern California for a c model ferry to east  Tennessee. 15?  back to northern California to ferry another 231 to east Tennessee. 15?.  I ferry lots of them  for insurance companies to repair facility.  of course some of the naysayers will say that is only one week out of 52 but of course there are lots of short hops as well...if anyone is interested in getting in a few extra hours there are a few good ones that need to me moved.  my number is 423 231 3491.   again I apologize if I hurt feelings. not my intention.   Just too old to take time to analyze everything.


  2. 30,000 impossible?  I suppose you think Evelyn Johnson who operated flight school in Morristown, Tn didn't have over 60,000 hours and had been flying since she was about 40 years old?  More time than any living human being until she passed a couple years ago.

    Jerry is approaching 80 and still flies more than any of you low time arm chair investigators here.  I notice the older guys who have real experience and are real  pilots never bad mouth a fellow pilot.. they have been there and done that.   thanks guys.

    Incidentally,  half of those 30,000 hours has been in ferrying damaged mooneys and never a problem. he spent years in aeronautical engineering school before learning to fly..   worked for him.   still with us.

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  3. Never ceases to amaze me. man tries to steal a good plane for peanuts and when someone else buys it, then it automatically becomes a dangerous piece of junk.   Pressley bought it  and did a thorough annual.  Flew it quite a bit himself and delivered it to the buyer in Winchester and flew back to Morristown tn where the new buyer and his instructor dropped him off.  FAA investigated thoroughly and found it was making full power but just didn't have enough oomph to do it  with  5 adults.  One full grown woman in the baggage compartment.  I bet half the plane on this Mooney space went through one of the 4 Pressley's hands in its lifetime.  They have revived more Mooneys than anyone else alive. One of them has over 30,000m hours in Mooneys from woodwing 150 hp through Acclaims. And more parts than  anyone outside the factory.  All bargains too...just my 3 cents

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  4. i just did one.....found three..   plane plastics sells the three pieces separately and get about $136.   I only needed top piece .    dawson in Arkansas has a used one for $40.  laser had one which he said was the one piece for 140.   plane plastics was at Oshkosh so ordered from laser.  for 140 I got the top part which goes new for less than a hundred at plane plastics. it was from plane plastics or Vantage but not in their catalog..you have to send them an old one to "repair".

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