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Posts posted by Houman

  1. Thanks, well I have 2 problems, the 1st of is the TIT and thanks for the info, I will have to check that out.


    2nd problem is that I'm getting higher CHT temp on #6 and we have noticed that #6 CHT cables are cross-wired, if we put the wire normally, ( color on color ), then the indication goes negative, so meaning crossed wire... According to JPI amazing tech support, it must be something with the harness, since they are not supposed to be cross-wired...We tried changing the probe between 4 and 6 and same thing.


    I want to check the harness and try with a different harness before we go and pull the #6 cylinder out to see if there is really a problem with it.


    As for the upgrade, I'm really looking for an 830, but for now we will have to wait, too much AMU involved for my partner that is selling his share...

  2. Hi,


    I got a Century 41 autopilot and GTN 650 and an HSI in the aircraft, with the new announcement from Garmin and ForeFlight, I'm wondering what I would need and how many AMU will it cost me to have a GPSS solution.


    I was thinking that a Garmin FlightStream 201 and a Century GPS roll steering should do the trick to be able to have a flight plan on my Foreflight on the Ipad, transfer it to the GTN via the FlightStream and have it executed via my autopilot and the GPS Roll steering... According to the documentation from what I can find it is a workable solution, just wondering if there are better ways to go to have a GPSS with a reasonable AMU expenditure.







    Thanks !


  3. Hi,


    Looking to see if someone has a spare to borrow or buy a used JPI EDM CHT/EGT/TIT harness.


    According to JPI, I may have a problem with my EDM 700 CHT/EGT/TIT harness and before spending another 500$ for the harness, I was wondering if someone here might have one.


    My problem seems to be with the TIT wires, my Primary TIT works but EDM TIT is not showing anything.


    Thanks !



  4. I am out west, so high terrain and density altitude is a big deal. Some of the Ovation's I think it is, with the 540, are actually pretty reasonably priced. But as I understand it, the fuel specifics on that engine is lousy. I have to say, having had an O-360 in my RV, that it is as trouble free as you can ask for. Both the TSIO-360 and the NA IO550 have issues making it to TBO without a top overhaul. But of course, on a hot day, you sure appreciate that extra Oomph from the 550. I had one in my Bonanza and it was sweet. There is another Rocket for sale on Trade a Plane: http://www.trade-a-plane.com/detail/aircraft/Single+Engine+Piston/1978/Mooney/M20J+201+Missile/1740449.html Its been on the market for a looooong time, not sure what the deal is with it.

    As a Rocket owner, I would say it Rocks, it is very similar to Seth's J Missle, but in a K body with turbo and dual interchangers, so works as good in flight levels... Density altitude is less of an issue when you got the turbo,

    But price wise, it is more expensive, turbo adds complexity and high fuel consumption, but somehow I don't care about that when I see 200 kias on or 237 GS ( my best )... It is alot of plane though, and depending on your budget, maybe having it with a partner might be worth looking into it...

    • Like 1
  5. I will be flying the higher altitude and speed in my Comanche. 90 knots to too slow for my comfort while flying with other airplanes.


    I will do the same with the Rocket, 90 is good for base and final, not comfortable sustaining that for long in level flight !!!

  6. We're planning on leaving for Green Bay in the morning for customs, then on to Oshkosh.


    Clarence, are you going the north route ?, filing IFR or VFR, it has been awaful here the last 2 days, with clouds as low as 200 feet to 1000 all day... Man I can't wait to get my IFR ticket.

  7. ok pissed off, all day yesterday and today, we had celings of 500 to 1000 feet here so we could'nt get going legally VFR... So stuck home when I should have been at Osh.

    We will try again tomorrow, if not, then next year !!!

  8. Lucky you, we can't seem to catch a break, and not having my IFR is really burning me know, will try to see it is even possible to do it VFR on Top at least here and once we are a bit west, it should be ok...

    I just talked to the FSS guys and they are saying that tomorrow morning the route to KANJ (Sault Ste Marie) has higher ceilings from Ottawa than the route to Michigan.  I am not fussed with ceilings because I will be filing IFR.  


    Ute and I will lift off at 06:00 local and go direct Wayne County (Detroit International) because their customs operates 24/7 and all I need to do is file the eAPIS without having to phone them for permission to land.  Once in Michigan, it is forecast good for the two hours to Madison.


    If it all works out, we are in Madison by 2:00 pm at the latest.   Hoo yah!

    Lucky you, we can't seem to catch a break, and not having my IFR is really burning me know, will try to see it is even possible to do it VFR on Top at least here and once we are a bit west, it should be ok...

    Give us a pirep how it was....

  9. Weather looks like it will enable departure for you guys tomorrow. IFR might be needed to get over the forecasted low overcast. It might raise up later after the morning.

    VFR OTT is another option.

    Madison weather is very nice now:


    Yeah we will probably do VFR OTT if need be tomorrow.

  10. Looking rough out there!d47939268588eacbe86af5a846611126.jpg

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Yeah, we decide not to depart, it is a pissoff to pack everything in the plane, take out of the hanger, gas and just make a final decision, but better be on ground wishing you were in the air then being in the air and wishing you were on the ground.

    Hoping for a very very early departure tomorrow morning.

    • Like 1
  11. Houman:

    Not at all. Same as me during my own training. It gets better with practice. But we are all perfectionists.

    Overcoming the urge to take control when we think it could be done better is the mark of someone who trusts you to learn instead of someone who will only let you do it when they think you will do it as well as they. I am in the first group. I run a training company.

    You will do just fine.

    Ned Gravel

    Lucky steward of C-FSWR, a '65 E model at Rockcliffe, Ontario, (CYRO)

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    I know what you mean, I also run a somewhat consulting and training company and have given training in my field all my profesional life.

    Now I do more project management and as such, I have to trust the person and let them do it, I always go by "Trust but verifiy" mantra

    Hope the leak issue gets solved and see you in Madisson ...

  12. So the prop problem is not a prop problem.  It is a seal problem at the main bearing.  That we fix tomorrow and I fly her home again.  Clarence took about 2 minutes to figure that out.  


    In the meantime, I did get one more hour of formation time in, acting as Houman's safety pilot while Yves and I bring him up to speed.  Is it just me, or does anyone else acting as safety pilot occasionally get the urge to just grab the controls and fix it yourself?  Smaller movements.  Anticipating the motion of lead in relation to our own aircraft.  Feel the airplane - not fight it.  


    I am really looking forward to the Caravan.

    Ned, was I that bad... I do appreciate the help to bring me up to speed on formation flying and appreciated your calm attitude compared to Andrew.

    See you guys next weekend !

  13. "I check the gear light on the announciator, the green light on the floor and alignement of the 2 bars on the light, which I was told is mecanical and works even if the light is broken."

    Having just completed your owner assisted annual you should have a clear understanding of the gear system.


    I think I do Clarence, we did many gear up and down while the plane was on the jacks, the only thing I wish I had done was being under the plane while the gear is going up so to see exactly how all the connecting rods move for both the wheels and the doors.

    As or the light, my understanding is that the green light on the floor and light on annouciator panel is the same circuit, as for the lines, I did'nt look exactly from under the plane how the lines match up, since I did'nt go under the plane while we were bringing the gear up and down... do you guys do that, I should have put a camera under the plane and capture the movements...

  14. Honestly in my case, it is almost impossible to slow down the aircraft to a normal landing speed without the gear down. I would have to have the speed breaks out and be at idle for a while.

    I check the gear light on the announciator, the green light on the floor and alignement of the 2 bars on the light, which I was told is mecanical and works even if the light is broken.

    I check the gear at least 3 times and if I have a passenger, I ask them to check the green light on the floor and the lines for me as well, so we have 2 person checking it.

    On short final, I do a last GUMPS check, using muscle memory for gear, fuel, prop, flaps and adjust MP for altitude.

  15. The problem with the lake is its cold no matter what time of year it is. I have flown over it 4 times and don't care to do it again.


    Ok, but putting aside the remote chance of failure flying on water, how does it impact an airplane flying at 14000 feet or higher, with turbo and dual intercoolers as the Rocket does, I mean I flown it at that altitude in very cold winter days and had no issue beside a bit of cooler CHT and EGT, which is not a bad thing...

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