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Posts posted by Houman

  1. One of my dream flights is to fly on father's day with my dad and my son, unfortunetly that is not about to happen, my dad dos'nt like flying and drives down to Florida from Montreal every year, the only time they fly anything, it's commercial to Europe, California or Hawaii.

    The issue is my mom as well, she is a great person and amazing mother and grandmother, but has spent most of her life affraid of alot of things, so she is not letting my dad come even if he would accept to fly with me.

    Hopefully that will change one day... soon !!!

  2. Now we are pretty much passionate about flying, but a good portion of us I imagine do it as a hobby and not as our main breadwinning profession.

    Even if this is an old article, it still moves me everytime I read it and the subject of it is one of the main reasons why I bought my Mooney, very nicely written and worth reading every once in a while.

    When I pick my son from school on friday for the start of my week with him, the 1st thing out of his mouth is not dad I missed you or I love you, it is almost everytime, where are we flying to this weekend... The memories we make on these flights are priceless.


    • Like 6
  3. wow Erik, I got to see that in person, may I ask what kind of AMU are we talking about ???

    I personally like the ground clearance, I think the 3 blade prop on the Rocket is so low and prop stike is always on my mind when landing, so this might reduce those worries...

    if you want, you can pm me, if you want to keep the price off public.

    Thanks !

    • Like 2
  4. On my last night flight at MAPA, I was told that I'm supposed to have a light in the trim and flaps window. I don't fly often at night and usually turn the light a bit upper or use my mandatory flash light, so going to my 1st annual, I'like to change the bulb if it is burned, can anyone tell me how that is done ?, is it very complicated ?

    I have the part list so I can probably find the part number, but wondering if it is worth the effort.

    Thanks !!

  5. I don't have a 930, would love to have one, but I can tell you that JPI tech support is amazing imho, they answer all your questions pretty quickly and a real person. I asked the same question a while back when I was looking at the prices. I have a hoskins 101 Fuel Flow transducer and they told me that I just had to configure the K factor according to what I had and it should work no problem.


    So most probably in your case as well, no need to change the senders, but check with them 1st.

  6. Hi,


    Doing my 1st fully owner assisted annual in couple of weeks and looking to buy the required main gear rigging tool that is needed for the proper tension.


    LASAR is out and not sure when they will get them back.


    I'm looking to either buy one, or if someone is so nice to lend me one for 1 week at the end of June, I would also be open to lease it as well if you are looking to make a bit of money.


    Thanks !

  7. Not sure Don, as since I was more busy in making sure I didn't have a serious system's problem, it kind of took me a while to eliminate everything with the plane before thinking it was the headset.


    My 1st assumption was that I was getting a marker beacon or an ILS identifier or something, that is why I checked both radios.


    I guess what ever it was, the reset on the headsets solved it.

  8. Well I had 2 Ipads and my cell open and on the co-pilot seat, but I have had that before, and never heard that sound and the Bluetooth was not trying to connect, not on my phone at least, maybe one of the IPad, since I have paired them a long time ago for music.


    Didn't thought it might be just an electronic noise signals and I didn't have this issue on my 2nd leg at 13500 feet from KAGC to CYMX.

  9. Hi,


    On my flight home yesterday from MAPA event in Chattanooga, going to KAGC for fuel, when I noticed at 11500 feet that I started hearing a strange sound in my headset. it was something like a Morse code that you use to identify a station, mostly like the short beep part. Everything looked ok in the airplane, no CHT/EGT/TIT issues, noting on the oil or fuel, gear or flaps or any systems what so ever and flying fine, and speed was about 185 KIAS, so no airspeed warning beep at that point.


    I started to diagnose the problem in a Sherlock Holmes kind of way, after going trough everything I could think of on the plane systems, I kind of thought it might be my LightSpeed Zulu 2 headset making the noise, I tried to remove them but the engine sound is so overwhelming that you can't hear anything else. I then tried a second set of headset (Bose) A10 that I always carry with me and plug it on pilot site, I was not hearing the beep there. A bit later I tried my Zulu 2 on the co-pilot plug and I was not hearing the beeping either, plug it back to pilot's side, I was hearing the beep, I tried removing my XRX PCAS that connects to pilot side with a Y connection to the pilot's side and nothing changed. Finally I turned off and on the ANR on my Zulu 2 Headset and at that point, the beeping didn't come back.


    I would say it was more annoying than anything else, but not really happy about hearing a beep continuously like that when flying, beside the noise fatigue and distraction, it is worrisome that something is really wrong with the plane. This was the 1st time I had this issue and I have been using this Zulu 2 headset for more almost 2 years now.


    One particular thing, I had just replaced the batteries on the headset before my flight, since the light on it was showing red before meaning low battery, after the change, it was showing green, as usual.


    Anyone has had this before ?

  10. Oakley dokley Cowboy.

    Ned Gravel

    Lucky steward of C-FSWR, a '65 E model at Rockcliffe, Ontario, (CYRO)

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

    Ned, as a fellow Canadian pilot, if you want me to stop by Ottawa RockCliffe on my way to Caravan and pick you up, that would be my pleasure. A pilot friend of mine and I are going for sure, waiting confirmation on 3rd person, so depending how much you weight and how much luddgage you have, we can see what can be arranged in my Rocket.

    Now mine is going into annual end of June, just did an oil change in May and it was clean and have had 15 flight in May, but got chills reading your story. I wish I was closer to Clarence for my annual, I'm near Montreal.

    PM me if you think you want me to pick you up for the Caravan and Osh.

  11. Hi Houman. The reason I asked is because it makes a difference whether or not the gs is captured depending on the ap you have.

    I'm not familiar how yours does it but it's in your POH. I know mine (KFC150) will capture gs either from above or from below.

    It may not be a bad idea to engage the autopilot to fly the approach a few times in a few different scenarios like above and below and see if and where it captures gs. Even if it's just an academic excercise.

    Edit: also don't forget that with some ap's the gtn can be configured to switch the cdi from gps to vloc automatically when the final approach course is intercepted. Mine does so. Some others require you to manually switch to vloc. Again not sure what yours does. This is a question for your installer and/or Garmin.

    Ok, I do have the autopilot and the HSI manuel, I will take a look, and see.

    From my understandinf of what you are saying, if it is capturing GS from Abouve, I should fly higher than published, but if capturing from below, I should fly at the minimum published ???

    Just wondering since I don't have yet a proficient knowledge of all IFR stuff and my CFI dos'nt know my plane or AP, GS well. Maybe the MAPA guys this weekend can help !!!

  12. Flaps takeoff and gear down is how I teach all ILS approaches. It is very common in G36 Bonanza's and it happens in the ovation I fly. It's not an antenna issue, it's just blocked by the wing. Your aircraft is considered a long body in this case which is where this becomes prone to happening. Like I originally said, just use the flaps and gear and you'll be fine. Don't waste your money taking it to a shop. They will just suck you dry on testing that won't do anything.

    Ask your instructor to point out to localizer antenna, the glideslope antenna, and your nav antenna. It will all make sense if you look at the plane from the side and see where the wing blocks the signal.

    Thanks and I have tried your suggestions and they help, but how far away do you tell students to configure for landing. My instructor usually tells me to do that a bit before the FAF so that at FAF, I'm all configured and can call ATC and declare on final.

    He also tells me that in IFR training, I'm not supposed to take any action that takes lift away, such as the speed break, because it hastens the descent rate... just wondering what are your thoughts about that one as well.

  13. Hi,


    In the process of my flight planning for tomorrow's flight to Nashville, I'm looking either at KPHD ( Harry Clever Field in Ohio ) or KAGC ( Allegheny County in PA ) or KTSO ( Carroll County-Tolson in Ohio ) to fill-up on 100LL half-way.


    The cheapest fuel seems to be at KPHD(4.65/G) and it is in direct GPS to my destination, I have used KAGC(4.98/G) before when going to Pittsburgh and they provide a great service, fuel is at good price although a bit more expensive than KPHD and it's 15 NM out of my way. KTSO(4.72/G) is right on my way and fuel is a bit more expensive than KPHD.


    If one knows an airport with a minimum 2500 paved runway with cheap gas prices in the same area, would appreciate letting me know !


    Thanks for any input !

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