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Posts posted by Houman

  1. Update, 

    The FlightStream 210 works with Foreflight as advertised. Still getting ADS-B IN displayed on Foreflight via the Stratus 2. Flew a couple three hour cross-country IFR flights last week ... and the sharing of flight plans between the panel GPS (GNS-430W) and Foreflight worked perfectly. The feature was invaluable when I received several ATC reroutes ... flying IMC, single-pilot, no auto-pilot. 

    But when I displayed the AHRS (FlightStream 210 AHRS is the source now) on Foreflight the attitude display was sideways mirroring the sideways position  of the unit itself mounted in the avionics area.

    According to the shop, at least for Flightstream users with Garimin Pilot App, - the mounting orientation of the unit (other than towards direction or flight) does not matter. The AHRS can be calibrated or "zero pitch and bank" regardless of the orientation of the FlightStream unit. 

    Our unit would not calibrate (AHRS) and after some discussion with both Garmin and Foreflight, we remounted the unit in an upright position. After that AHRS immediately was successfully calibrated using the -settings (on the AHRS/display) - "zero pitch and bank" - "save" beginning with the AHRS displayed in Foreflight. 

    Afterward, Foreflight suggested to make sure the Stratus 2 is turned off and no other devise connected THEN attempt to calibrate the FS-210 AHRS. However, we had already remounted it upright ... so we don't know if that might have solved the issue?

    So Foreflight users, I suggest you make sure your installers, fabricate a bracket, or do whatever is needed to mount the FS-210 unit, not only oriented correctly with the arrows (labeled on unit) indicating "Direction of Flight," but ALSO mount the unit as close as possible to level and upright. 

    I called the shop afterward I told them that I wanted to return it, because "it hasn't helped my landings at all!" ... and they actually got my weird off-beat sense of humor ... 

    Great update David, can you take a picture of your Flightstream installation and how it is mounted please. I will have mine installed in couple of weeks and would love to make sure it is installed properly right out of bat.

    Thanks !

  2. Seth,

    It would be real important to know...

    The only governor failure I had was on departure.  The plug at the end of the crankshaft dislodged and leaked oil pressure internally.

    The O360 govenor failed and went to max rpm...

    In your case, I would expect the failure to go max prop feathering.  

    Be extra attentive during the run-up.  If the run-up doesn't seem right, taking it into the air isn't going to make it any better.

    Real life experience from my M20C,


    How would one know if a governor failure was imminent, what are the signs to look for on runup ?. I have the Full feathering prop on the Rocket, so just wondering.

    Thanks !

  3. That would be really fun Yves.

    Maybe that should include some hamburgers....and I could show you the new house we moved in to a few months ago (1.5 miles just to the right of the rwy24 depature).  Maybe we should do the next edition of the St Lawrence Seaway "fly in" and take pictures of each others airplanes?

    I'm in... let me know when !!!

  4. Do you guys have a big difference between the CHT temperatures when engine has been off for a day or 2, and that the probe is giving the ambient temperature. I have a 20 degrees of difference on #6 CHT when looking at the ambient temperature and more than 60 or 70 when running.

    I know it is most probably not a cylinder issue since ambient temperature for #1 to #5 CHT would be the same, and #6 with 20 degrees hotter... 

    TIM at JPI tech support has been great helping to figure out what is going on.

    Till now we have switched #4 CHT probe with #6 and also have bench tested the EDM, so only remaining problem is the K type wires going from the Probe to the EDM.

    Hope this is not a hijack of the thread...

  5. I know this is brining to light an old thread but I found the POH/AFM Supplement for this bench seat on Mooney's website. It looks like the benefits will not last forever since the limitations don't allow for a normal sized adult.


    AFMS Bench Seat.pdf

    I talked to Steve Rue and someone else at Mooney, it seems that there is no possibility of a 3 bench seat for the K model. What Steve was supprised with was the fact that I have already a bench in the back ( I guess some have 2 seat cushions ), but I have a full bench, but no way of adding a 3rd seatbelt legally.

    that is a big bummer, since it seems very easy to do to add a 3rd seat belts to the same middel fix points for the existing seat belt fixtures.

    Too bad...

  6. I flew home to day from Detroit to Wilm De, only 9,000 ft. After about 30 minutes I started to yawn continuously I told my wife to get my O2 and the oximeter. I was at 89 % really and my wife was 95% after a few minutes on oxygen I felt fine.  Beware!


    The point being we are all different even though the FAA regs. State altitudes, we've had lots of great discussions here lately, but make sure you determine when you need oxygen. I flew there at 8,000 ft. so everyday is different.

    MAPA saftey foundation recommends O2 at 8000 ft during the day and 5000 or 6000 ft at night...good on you to recognize it and being prepared to deal with it.

    • Like 1
  7. I bought my Reiff switch through Aircraft Spruce (Canada) last year.

    Give them a call because they usually will get stuff not ordinarily available here in Canada if prodded.

    It takes a standard SIM.  The least expensive plan I found is Petro-Can.  It's not text only, but they have a prepaid plan that will carry you through the winter... much cheaper than signing up for a monthly.

    Currently the price is $25 for a prepaid plan lasting for 4 months.  That will give you 2500 text messages :)  that should be enough

    wow, thanks for the info, I was told by REiff that I need to buy it from them since Aircraft Spruce Canada did'nt carry it, I rather order from spruce, and also thanks for the petro-can info, I will look it up...Telus seems to have a pay per use service for text, but not sure if it requires a monthly plan...

  8. Hi,

    Ordering my Reiff Preheat system and wanting to install it before winter settles in, I was told by Reiff that they don't sell their "GSM Witura WT-1673 Cellular Remote Control for Preheater" in Canada anymore since there is no way to activate it and I also talked to switch-box guy and he tells me the US SIM cards will not work in Canada, being able to remotely turn on the system is important to me, I live about 30 minutes from the airport (without traffic), so doing an hour round trip the night before a winter flight is not ideal or even feasible most of the time.

    My cell phone carrier "Bell Canada" doesn't seem to have a text only or pay per usage plan and don't want to pay 30 or 40$ a month for a monthly plan.

    I was looking at some international SIM cards, either by iroam or other providers as possible solutions for a pay per usage deal.

    Wondering if any other Canadian pilots using a cell activated remote control for their heathers and if so, what do you use, what kind of system, SIM card, carrier and charges per usage or monthly.

    Even if my plane is in a heated hanger, I still want to have this heater on the engine since it takes a long time in very cold weather (10 to 15 min) to get the oil hot enough to do my run-up (>75f), and running the engine at low oil temperature (30f to 50f when starting) is not good for the engine from what I understand. The fact that I have to take the plane out of the hanger, and tow for about 5 min before I can turn on the engine makes all these temps go much lower by the time engine is starting.

    Thanks very much !!!



  9. Hi,

    Just ordered my CYA100 AOA and I was going to install it on an access panel under right wing, but a pilot friend of mine was telling me I should install it on the left wing. He did'nt go into too much detail, but I gatherd it was because of the P factor and that it would be advantagous installing the probe under the left wing.

    I will ask Rip about it, but was wondering for those whom already installed the CYA100 probe, have you done it under the left or the right wing and why ?

    Thanks !!!

  10. I just sent my EDM 700 to JPI for a bench test and add Fuel Flow in it, they told me 7 to 10 days that it would take for them to complete and sent it back. I'm wondering if that is something you guys have gone trough and how fast are they ?

    On a side note, would you fly without the EDM, I'm a bit uneasy, since I want to see all my temps on the big bore engine when I fly, even tough it is not a flight requirement, I think it is better for my plane to fly it when I get it back, but I guess I can rely on the single factory CHT and oil temp gauges and run the machine very very conservatively.... or just wait...



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