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Posts posted by Houman

  1. Well,,,

    I have never heard of a Radio that wouldnt get the proper signal unless the plane was 

    Tipped or pointed in just the Right WAY!!!

    That GS should work even if youre flying upside down and back words,  Oh, and on FIRE!!!


    You just gotta have a screwed up antenna!!!

    That is funny, GS actually works great when I'm heading out in the opposite direction of the track needed towards the runway, I guess it is the position of the antenna, it is just when following the GS from far inboud (5 miles out ), then signal is intermittent. I have tried the same runway on different directions ( i mean 6 and 24 ), so not sure if that is the same GS sender that is in use. I will try other airports in the near future and see if it is different.

    Otherwise, I might have to find an STC for thrust reverses and land backwards, lol....

  2. Hi,


    Continuing my IFR training and GS is now working ok, but my instructor is a bit surprised that even following the published approach altitude, the Glide Slope Is intermittent, it comes and then flag goes on, it helps a lot if I put takeoff flaps or even more to change the angle, but changes a bit my approach settings to be 4 or 5 miles out and put on flaps.


    So what I have done in today's exercise is to start the approach as non-precision and not rely on the intermittent GS until approaching the FAF and slowing down, brining down the gear and flaps and the GS comes in and stays in no problem what to so ever.


    So my question is how does other more IFR experiences pilots do with GS reception in a Mooney beside the Flaps. My CFI tells me this is the 1st time he has seen this, he usually gives IFR training in a Beech Twin.


    Thanks !

  3. I had the exact same problem last year:  having to push the red over ride button to get the gear up and the airspeed warning sonalert going off when it should not have when I was in the circuit. 


    Had to replace the airspeed  safety unit that sits behind the airspeed indicator.  Luckily the Mooney agent had a serviceable unit in a wreck that has worked well ever since.


    Joe Luxford



    Thanks for your reply Joe, did you try adjusting it or was there no adjustement possible ?

    I will have my annual in a month and I will try to adjust till, for now, I takeoff, level off at 400 feet to gain speed, at 90 kts, I bring the gear up without passing the button, and as I gain speed at 100 kts the gear comes up and alarm stops, once that is done, I start again my climb and remove takeoff flaps. It's not a problem with the Rocket 305 engine, but different from the usual takeoff

    This is somewhat a new takeoff process some usually I would just ignored alarm and push the bypass button and wait for the gear to come up at 100 kts.

  4. Can you elaborate on your issues? There is a procedure for adjusting the switch in the SMM and I have done it once. It takes a few tries due to "hysteresis" in the switch but it is possible to adjust it in the airplane using a pitot/static test set or a calibrated mouth. The switch is supposed to activate the landing gear at an increasing airspeed of 75 +/- 5mph or 65 +/- 5kts.


    When I first picked up my 231 it would beep at me until 85kts on takeoff and was really annoying. It is a '79 as well so we probably have the same style switch. It is possible that the diaphragm is damaged though so if you could describe your issues it would help in diagnosing the issue.

    Thanks for your reply, here are my 2 issues and according to Mooney Tech support, it is the airspeed saftey switch.

    The 1st issue is when trying to bring the landing gear up after takeoff, it would not come up unless I'm near 100 kts, I have to push the bypass bouton and same thing for low speed alarm, it only stops at 100 kts, so I guess it is out of adujstement, but Mooney tech support telling me that there is no way to do a field adjustement to the switch and that it needs to be replaced at a cost of 1500$.

    When I bought 50% of the plane last year, my co-owner told me that this was normal, after diginig a bit, I see that it is not normal to have to push the bypass or the alarm up to 100 Kts, so going trough an owner assisted annual with my mecanic in 3 weeks, I want to understand the problem and solve it.

    Since Mooney tells me that they will not take the switch back if that is not my issue, I have decided to do a test while the plane is on the jacks and see if it is really not adjustable or does it really need to be replaced.

    Can you let me know how did you adjust it, since you have the same model and year, we most probably have the same switch, do you have pictures of it, if it was done by your mecanic, is there a way I or my mecanic can talk to him for 5 min...

    Thanks !!!

  5. Hi,


    I have 2 issues with my Airspeed safety switch, my mechanic is telling me that usually it is adjustable, but Mooney Tech support is telling me that it is not field adjustable and needs to be charged, and costs about 1300$ US.


    I'm just wondering if anyone has any experience with the Airspeed safety switch and  how much labor would it usually take to change it.


    Thanks !



  6. Hi,


    I have 2 issues that according to Mooney Tech Support is related to my Airspeed safety switch.


    The are telling me that the switch is not field adjustable and that I need to replace it with : P/N 940016-515.


    One Mooney Service Center has given me a price that was pretty surprising for the switch, I was wondering if someone has a spare one for sale. I know I was told Alan Fox has a lot of Mooney stuff for sale, wondering if him or someone else has a fully functional one for sale at a better price.


    Thanks !

  7. Looking at the Transport site I see that the Rocket is in your name personally and his company name as you described. Why not transfer it to a numbered company which each of you owns 50/50? If either of you has an accident you put at risk your assets, more protection in a numbered company.

    I wouldn't have a partner who only flew 5 hours per year. It's only a matter of time before he damages your half of the plane. I'm surprised that you can even get insurance to cover him.


    Well Clarence, he has about 9500 hours flight time as an ATP and has another plane as well, that is why he can get insured, and much cheaper than my 200h total and 65h on the Mooney.

    I had talked to my accountant about putting the plane in my current IT consulting company, but since he is straighter than an arrow, he advised me against it. In any case, my partner is looking to sell his half in the near future, so who knows how it will work out...

  8. Something you might consider asking your partner (there are four of us owning our plane).  Our agreement allows members to own different percentages of the plane (technically the LLC).  As a matter of fact, I own almost twice as much of the LLC as the others do.  I did that to allow us to get a nicer plane.  We all still pay the same monthly costs ($250/month) and operating costs ($25/hour dry).  The only time it will make a difference is if we sell the plane.  When that happens, I'll get a larger share of the sale price that is proportional to the percentage I own.


    Our agreement calls for a majority vote to install or upgrade avionics.  If we pay extra, that is, a one time assessment, our stake in the plane in terms of dollars is increased in proportion to dollars spent.  However, it also allows that with the group's permission, fewer than all members can pay for 100% of the install/upgrade if they wish.  If they do, their percentage of ownership increases in proportion to the cost of the upgrade.


    So in your case.  Let's say you each have $50,000 invested in the plane.  You each own 50% of it.  You want to install the JPI 930 and it will cost you $10,000 to do that (just picked a number for simplicity).  If your partner allows you to do that, but only if you agree to pay for it, you would then have $60,000 invested and he would still have $50,000 invested.  You would own $60,000/$110,000 or 54.54% of the plane and he would own 45.46% of the plane.  Nothing else would change.  The percentage would only matter when you agree to sell the plane.


    You both get the benefit of the new equipment and your partner gets it for free.  You have essentially given him an interest free loan and will get some/all/extra of his money when you sell, depending on how much you sell the plane for.



    Thanks Bob, I had tought of something like this, but here in canada the plane is under my personal name for my 50% and his company for his 50%. I had tought of having the equipement installed at my cost after signing an agrrement with my partner that when he sells his half, I would get 50% of the cost of the equipement and installation back.

    Something I have to work towards...

  9. It's hard to wear out a plane at 5 hrs per year...


    Well this year I might hit about 80h in the Mooney, so not too bad for my 1st year of ownership, in a way it is great to have a co-owner that flies 5h but still pays half of the upkeep, but I understand where he dos'nt want to do more avioncs upgrade.

  10. Yeah one thing that was different in my case was that the obstacle and safetaxi were expired for more than 12 months, the NAV had expired on april 30th as show in Maurauder's pictures, but the rest was expired for more than a year.

    Anyway not sure why it was not working and why it is now, just don't like not knowing, my garmin dealer said that he will check a bit the connections after the software upgrade from 5.0 to 5.13.

    BTW, 5.13 is supposed to get rid of the annoying trailing 0 at the end of frequencies, where with 5.0 if you are entering 126.7, you have to enter 126.70 befor enter becomes availble and obstacle is much improved according to the documentation.

  11. Well called garmin tech support yesterday and they said the same thing.

    One very unlikley but possible reason the guy at tech support told me is that the GTN has com board, a nav board etc.... and maybe there was a glitch with the nav software and by updating, it removed the glitch, any way, the full software on my GTN is scheduled to be upgraded from 5.0 to 5.13, so will see if the problem has gone completely or not !

  12. thanks to all, he just texted me saying he was on his way to the airport from the city, as the city is quite a ways from the airport and it was the local airport manager calling me to inform of the flat ( since last time this plane was in AC, I was the PIC ).

    Hopefullly he has figured out a way to fix it, he willl text me and let me know, and I will update the thread. It is so nice to hear people willing to fly to bring him a tire, I would do the same if I had a spare tire and tube, even if I'm about 2h of flight away with the Rocket.

    Thanks again to all...

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