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  1. Thanks, this is great info. I hadn't known about that workaround. I had guessed that a 337 would be necessary. Also interesting to hear that it didn't work -- that's a tidbit that I hadn't turned up in my searching. I'll have to look at the bulkheads and such. It also looks like I'll be calling LASAR at some point soon.
  2. Thanks for the link! Good point about the mechanic. Mine has a fair amount of experience, including pretty complete rebuilds on various aircraft types, but I'm not sure that he's actually got relevant experience for this project. I'll have to think about it some more.
  3. Yeah, I definitely hold the right pedal down on takeoff. It's especially bad when I let go while trying to pull up the gear. The plane goes sideways pretty fast. The bellcrank is a pretty small part in the tail section (I think). It's part of the control linkages, not the rudder itself. That would be a big job! That's a good point about landings. I haven't had crosswinds strong enough to not be able to track the runway -- it's gotten to the point where I was using most of the available rudder, and my perception was that I still had some bank to work with. Could be wrong there.
  4. Hi everyone, So I've been finding that, even in pretty light crosswinds (maybe 5kts xwind component), the M20B rudder authority isn't that great. I know that there's been some discussion on this in the past, with advice to replace the rudder bellcrank with the M20C version. (http://mooneyspace.com/topic/8340-crosswind/?do=findComment&comment=88938 , and http://www.mooneyevents.com/cmodel.htm .) I'd like to have this done, but the description seems a little terse. Is there anything more involved? I can buy the part and give it to my mechanic, but it's not clear to me how the stops should be adjusted. I also don't know what needs to be done from a regulatory standpoint. Any advice?
  5. That is interesting. I might look into getting that. I've got a persistent problem with exhaust in slow flight, like with chandelles. It goes away if I keep the cabin pressure high, but it's pretty annoying.
  6. Eyewitnesses are notoriously unreliable. I probably just got the number wrong in that case.
  7. So, a couple of weeks ago, I was puttering around LA-area airports in a Cessna 152. I was practicing go-arounds at El Monte, eventually did a full-stop landing, and suddenly I see N78905 taxi and take off. As the owner of N78909, I'm intrigued. I looked it up when I got back, and yup -- it's an M20B. Registered in Utah, though. Nice to see another M20B, especially such a close sibling of mine. If the owner of N78905 happens to read this, I'd like to get together and ask some questions. I'd be especially interested in looking at the exhaust -- it looked like it has the dual-tailpipe exhaust design, which seems pretty rare.
  8. I got a pair of the wag-aero part number E-333-000. http://store.wagaero.com/product_info.php?products_id=1918 Still have my invoice. They were 35 each at the time, but it looks like the price has gone up to 41.50. They fit fine.
  9. Thanks, will do.
  10. I'm interested in the harnesses at the asking price. Is the missing part the shoulder harness or lap belt? I can interpret that last post either way. Regardless, interested. I can do paypal +4% fees + shipping.
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