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  1. John , I just redid the panel in my grumman cougar and pulled out the kns80.its just sitting in my hangar was working fine. I will take something less than you can get off eBay if youre interested. Pm me or email pitchristian@yahoo. Christian smith
  2. Item is no longer for sale
  3. Just listed a gdl 39 for sale in this forum .
  4. Just upgraded and no longer need this unit.comes in original box with all accessories (wall charger ,cig lighter charger , battery , carrying case and manual. In like new condition with no issues .sportys sells for $899 looking for $699.will ship for free fedex 2 day.
  5. Luckily for me my home airport is at 1200' msl and the small mountains of the east coast are cleared at 4000-6000' . My single engine service ceiling at max gross is 4500', The weight I typically fly it is closer to 6000'. So once again it fits my mission very well. If I lived out west in the real mountains I would have a different bird all together!
  6. Everyone has an opinion and a choice. I came to this board earlier this year because I was considering a Mooney purchase. I love mooneys but ended up buying a twin because it better suit my mission. I fly with my kids quite often over the mountains of West Virginia and at night. I would not do that comfortably in a single engine airplane. I am very happy with my decision, as having complete systems redundancy as well as a second motor is a great benefit. I can't tell you how nice it is to enjoy my cross countries without constantly looking for a place to put the plane down had my only engine failed. My twin (a Grumman Cougar) is about as cheap to operate and maintain as you can get for a twin. Aviation Consumer did an article on Cougars and one owner had a cougar as well as 2 mooneys. He stated that consistently the Cougar was the cheapest each year in total maintenance costs. Granted my 1978 Cougar is more difficult(but not horrible) to get parts for than a 1978 mooney. But like everything in life ,there is a trade off . For me though 150+ knots burning 15 GPH with TWO incredibly reliable O-320 engines out front was the right choice. True that an engine failure in a light twin just after take off would be a handful. I very well could be landing straight ahead like a single if that failure is below 500 feet. But for the rest of the flight that risk is quite worth it to me.
  7. Hey Brett, First time posting here. I am also a professional pilot and live on the east side of PIttsburgh. I have been looking to find a partnership, but your and mike's mooneys makes me want to explore sole ownership again. I was curious what the hangar availability is currently @ KLBE? (sorry for the slight thread drift!)
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