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Conrad last won the day on May 13 2016

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  1. It has not sold yet. I will gladly accept 40k for it if I am convinced the buyer knows what they are getting themselves into logistically and financially.
  2. I would be open to a deal like the one you describe. It's a bit silly having it Pennsylvania. I wonder if I could get a ferry permit to bring it to Boulder? I suspect I could do an annual a lot cheaper if the plane was parked minutes from my apt.
  3. The reason it's OK is that I've used my financial resources to be able to work for myself over the last four years laying the foundations of a company. Now it's the make or break moment for the company, cash is the absolute most valuable thing for me, and the amount of money we're talking about losing on this sale barely registers when compared with the returns I could see by succeeding with a software startup (a venture on which I have already bet a much greater amount of money). My hope is that this situation can be to the benefit of someone in the Mooney community who is willing to risk getting sucked into a project.
  4. Even were it my best option to sink some money in, I literally don't have the money to sink in. I have to sell it even if I get taken to the cleaner's, and that's OK with me. Let's say I were willing to lower the price to 40k. Would there be any interest?
  5. As I say I'm motivated as a seller so if you're correct I'm willing to find the market on the price. Since I need the money I will still be looking for what I would consider a good offer, but maybe I need to think more carefully about who this might be a good deal for (and how to make it a good deal).
  6. Oh and I was once informed by a (female) coworker that it needs to be named Trudy because it is "just the right amount of slutty." I'm not too sentimental about these sorts of things, but even I have to admit that the name has stuck. She's always gotten me back down when we go up, Trudy!
  7. Does the price seem reasonable? I don't really plan to get sharked -- I know this plane has one of the most thoughtfully designed panels out there including many features that have the potential to be life-saving (or pride-saving) in certain circumstances, and I hope the price I am asking is reasonable enough to attract serious buyers. I don't know if any have done it after me, but I know I was the first EI customer to get the CGR-30C and configure it with only one arc gauge allowing it to be a drop-in replacement for the tachometer that also completely eliminates the need for the standard six-pack cluster gauge (while gaining fuel flow monitoring, a great caution and warning system, and digitally calibrated fuel levels that are precise in cruise). The shop that did the install couldn't find a place to install the data processing unit for the system and wanted to hang it somewhere below the bottom of the panel, but I helped them figure out how to put it at the top of the avionics bay where it's both out of the way and easily accessible for maintenance due to the luxury of having top access to the avionics. They designed and fabricated custom mounting bracket so it would fit at an angle like it needed to! It has the charm of steam gauges mixed with the power of modern digital systems
  8. I've put up a classified now. I'm still digging up more and more accurate info from the logs. I certainly think that it is a nice airplane; it deserves to be flying! Not only do I not have the money to spend but I need the money I have invested in it, making me a motivated seller. I got a great price on this plane -- I bought it with a nearly brand new engine overhaul the sticker price of which was probably nearly 2/3 of what I payed for the plane. Whoever gets it next needs to be ready for the cost of an overhaul, but I hope they also feel like the price I'm offering is a good deal that can be the start of a great relationship for someone who wants to spend their time and money taking care of this amazing old plane.
  9. https://photos.google.com/album/AF1QipMDSosdvyvNGhgs0g3V2NmbpQemj_TTyppz-Qchttps://photos.app.goo.gl/NrzuR5r1busGYakYA Has that legendary J-bar ka-chunk. Learn to do the "Mooney wave" as you depart! ~1700 hours since major overhaul performed in 2012 by Mena Aircraft Engines. The bad stuff: Out of annual, last flew May 2022. Birds known to be nesting in the tail. Was flying irregularly before that. One of the exhaust headers fell off last time I flew it. This was repaired, but it has sat since then. The interior is honestly pretty ugly. The flight history since the ADSB system was installed is fairly accurately tracked on FlightAware. Though I don't pay for access to that full history you could. Excellent avionics stack. Retains the six pack instruments which make it cool and give you the high-resolution, immediate feedback that you want when flying a plane that demands such precise input. GTX 345 brings you all the benefits of ADS-B, and the IFD440 gives you certified display of all kinds of great information. The center-of-panel location of the C/E radio stack means the unit is at your fingertips and easy to see all the time. The cluster gauge, a notoriously finnicky and difficult to source part on these old planes (that can put a serious dent in your dispatch rate per the TOMATO FLAMES) has been replaced with a highly reliable CGR-30C, which also includes fuel flow monitoring. An EDM700 offers the four cylinder EGT readouts you need to run comfortably lean or rich of peak. The CGR-30C also brings you a YELLOW/RED caution and warning system for the engine with the alarms front and center on the left side panel. The fuel levels on this gauge have been custom calibrated to this plane's tanks, and are highly accurate. Low fuel on one side is expressed as a caution -- a useful reminder that it's time to change tanks! IFD440 provides terrain and traffic awareness with auditory callouts. Copilot side panel ready for a makeover, and I have an aluminum blank for a new right side panel that you can have. It seems logical to organize the haphazardly placed breakers, move the vac indicator to the pilot side, and replace the aging EDM-700 with a CGR-30P (which can use the same data processing unit already installed for the CGR30C). At the same time it should be possible to clear a good amount of panel space for a RAM mount for a tablet. While the plane has been operating under VFR it would be relatively easy to re-certify for IFR Positive Control system with custom shutoff switch. Originally these planes had the PC system disconnect in the yoke where it was a pain to hold down with your left thumb if you wanted to fly the plain without the need to overpower the wing leveler. Moving it to a switch on the panel also leaves you with your PTT on the yoke for easy calling. No altitude component. This system is no longer supported by any functioning company. Fortunately it's a dirt simple design, and it may even be possible to support in the future through the rules that allow creation of custom parts when no certified alternatives are available. Has the rear stub spar doubler kit installed, which I am told reinforces the flap extension system to be exactly as strong as the system used on models for which the maximum flap speed is 120 mph. The plane's capabilities are not enhanced on paper, but the margin for safety is significantly improved (a definite win since it's particularly hard to get these planes down to 100mph without flaps (and easy to get over 100mph even with the flaps down)) 3-blade Hartzell Top Prop and PowerFlow exhaust (installed by previous owner). Excellent rebuilt doghouse done with engine overhaul. Some damage history prior to my ownership, apparently repaired satisfactorily. Not always hangared, and lived at KOAK for many years. Was sprayed internally with ACF-50 and maintained by LASAR during this "no expenses spared" period of its life (well, none aside hangarage). I do not have the aircraft near me but will arrange for more pictures. I do have the log books near me, and I will start organizing the information in there and presenting it digitally. Price $40k. Located KSEG. Happy to answer any questions. I helped do the annuals for many years.
  10. Informal and entirely-too-honest listing of features: - IFD440 with GTX345 for ADS-B out on 1090 with ADS-B in both on 1090 and 978 - Sealed tanks, never known to leak aside from when the quickdrain needed replacing - Birds living in the tailcone - Rear stub spar doubler kit installed - Comes with RHS aluminum panel blank (no holes cut), some spare tractor headlights, and an old dead KX155 for parts. - CGR30P with fuel flow. Custom mounting solution implemented for the processing unit to keep it out of the passenger's legroom - Who the hell glued carpet to all the plastic interior panels, really - Step retracts for maximum step envy in those around you. Please no buyers who want to replace the 6-pack with Aspen hardware and take out the vacuum pump - "Positive Control" wing leveler was working last I knew, and has been maintained well beyond the end of its service life by kindly retired Brittain technicians - Actually all the carpet needs to go, especially the stuff that used to be attached to the floor. If you could ever imagine getting to the material attached to the inside of the firewall, you would clearly wish to replace it - Has way too much amp load if you need pitot heat in addition to everything else. LED lights would help greatly. - The tires have kevlar in them or something - How many type certificates do you know that list 0 unusable fuel? - Full guppy mode no speed mods. You'd really want a new windshield at some point in the nearish future I think - Powerflow exhaust and 3 blade Hartzell Top Prop - Flush-mounted rivets on the wing tops for an extra .25 mph and a serious bump in sex appeal - Engine preheater - A strange gremlin causes alarming momentary spikes in the amperage readings when the transponder goes from being in a radar shadow to issuing its first transponse. Looks wild on the recorded data logs, but doesn't appear to harm anything. This issue has persisted through multiple transponders and alternators. - The magnetic compass is calibrated both correctly and legally and proper calibration card is present - Logs since the first test flight at the end of 1964 Price undecided. Out of annual. The plane is at KSEG currently which is not where I am.
  11. I have neither the time nor the money to take care of 79338 at the moment. I will make a proper classified here with all the info as soon as my supporter status goes through!
  12. @jamesmI like your setup! Looks very clean. The only thing I'd point out is that those annunciator lights are supposed to be on the pilot side. The 30-P and 30-C displays will have red numbers and other visual indications of out-of-range readings if you happen to be looking over there. I find that's not always true. For example once established in cruise sometimes other things take my attention completely away from the engine monitor for an extended period. Also in certain critical phases of flight you may not be watching the monitor closely. It's only because I have my annunciator front and center on the pilot side that I know that I sometimes experience load spikes that risk popping the alternator circuit breaker during taxi or potentially takeoff.
  13. Just realized that I can install an CGR-30P without getting a new Engine Data Converter. I can't find a price without an EDC listed anywhere, but hopefully it'd be a significant savings, especially in install cost. It was a real pain to find a good spot to mount that thing, and required fabrication of a custom mounting bracket. That would leave me some empty panel space down where the original cluster gauge was. What would be useful in that space I wonder? If I could I'd put J style flap and trim indicators there. Flaps aren't a big deal since I can just look out the window, but I'd love to see what my trim setting is without looking at my ankles.
  14. Well whatever you do, take care... and get yourself some flaps back!
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