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  1. I have a JPI RPM Sensor that is essentially brand new. The part # is 420815-2 (Bendix Vent Plug) and list new on Spruce for ~$268. We had to replace our engine and the new engine came with Slick mags. If anyone has a need for it, I'll make you a great deal.
  2. I had my mooney in the shop for some avionics work. I requested they do an IFR cert while it was there. This was done on Jan. 31, 2023. The shop knew I would not be able to pick the plane up until Feb. 1, 2023. I asked them to date the the service as Feb. 1, 2023. They wouldn't do it and responded with this statement: THE WORKED WAS PERFORMED ON THAT DATE THAT IS THE DAY WE SIGN IT OFF IT IS OUR COMPANY POILCY TO FOLLOW FAA RULES SO WE DON’T HAVE TO EXPLAIN OUR SELFS IN A LAWERS OFFICE. My question is: Would my request to date the IFR cert as Feb. 1, 2023 have violated an FAA regulation since the plane did not leave the shop until that day? Obviously, I have some personal thoughts on this and I'll refrain from sharing them.
  3. Jeff_S - You may want to try gel based scopolamine. It is a prescription; but, my wife is very prone to motion sickness and this has been the best we've ever found. It comes in a syringe (no needle) and she applies it to her wrist about 30 minutes prior to flight. Doesn't make her sleepy and allows her to enjoy the trip both in the air and on arrival.
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