Yes my partner and I will continue to fly together. We are both going to CT to get some unusual attitude and stall spin training next week. I have been reading every thing and any thing about spinning a Mooney. My take home so far is that we were lucky it seams like a lot of bad things can happen including flat spins and of course running out of altitude. I think my partner was just a little too complacent and we both had not briefed what was the procedure if the wing drops and starts a spin entry. It happen quick but we both knew we were on the edge of stall with an occasional buffet. In retrospect I could see things happening but was slow to intervene because he was the PIC and certainly he could see this occurring as well. I like to fly and fly a reasonable amount but I am Not A CFI or a teacher -- different mind set I think. So if this post gives people food for thought and in any way improves flight safety I am happy that I posted it. Fly safe. I will post a note about my experience with the upset training next week weather permitting.