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  1. I just sold a nice serviceable KX 165 on EBay for 1550 close in price to the 155 but I really liked the radial feature on the 165.
  2. Cruiser Yes my partner and I will continue to fly together. We are both going to CT to get some unusual attitude and stall spin training next week. I have been reading every thing and any thing about spinning a Mooney. My take home so far is that we were lucky it seams like a lot of bad things can happen including flat spins and of course running out of altitude. I think my partner was just a little too complacent and we both had not briefed what was the procedure if the wing drops and starts a spin entry. It happen quick but we both knew we were on the edge of stall with an occasional buffet. In retrospect I could see things happening but was slow to intervene because he was the PIC and certainly he could see this occurring as well. I like to fly and fly a reasonable amount but I am Not A CFI or a teacher -- different mind set I think. So if this post gives people food for thought and in any way improves flight safety I am happy that I posted it. Fly safe. I will post a note about my experience with the upset training next week weather permitting.
  3. Just a follow up to my original post with some added info! We had climbed to 4000 feet to practice slow flight steep turns and approach to landing and departure stalls to the buffett. These we pratice at least twice a year.. We were praciceing slow flight with gear out and 15 degrees of flaps we were right at the bottom of the white arc with the stalll horn intermittently sounding. My partner was doing a slow right turn when the left wing dropped ( suprising us both which it should not have had we briefed what could happen and how to correct it) at which point he kept left bank and pulled back on the yoke which precipitated the spin. We experienced at least four complete turns speed did not rapidly build ? gear and flaps out possibly the reason? We lost about 2000 feet altitude. That is what I know and remember. I am looking to due upset training in Danbury Ct in a couple weeks I will let you know how valuable that is.
  4. My partner with over 1500 hours flight time 350 in Mooneys practicing slow flight entered a spin. The 201 spins rather quickly disorienting if you are looking out the window at the ground! He froze at the controls trying to pull back on the yoke. We probably did three full revolutions before I was able to neutralize the yoke push forward and right rudder(left spin) the plane responde exactly as we have been taught. I would not go out and seek this experience. I only bring this up to show it can happen to any one. So grab a CFI and get some spin upset training it could save your life! I was sure thankful that I have had real spin training in a Cessna 150 Aerobat. IT WAS SCARRY!
  5. TWinter I am interested in your comparison between SkyGuard ADSB in/out and XM on your 696. XM on yoke mounted 696 is what I currently have. I like the XM weather- Music but I find the approach plates very difficult to read compared to plates on the Mini. Also with WingX you can easily add any waypoint on the approach with just two taps Garmin is really missing the mark on this kind of situational awareness ! I still really like my 696 except for the above mentioned short comings. I am hoping the ADSB weather will be more than adequate for my IFR missions. I am pretty conservation in my use of weather information. RS
  6. I would like to know which Mini Ipad you guys are using? 32gb with WiFi enough or do I go for the 64 gb I don't think I need the cellular as I have a hot spot on my phone. Any info would be helpful RS
  7. I have been waiting five years this July now to install a WASS GPS. I waited two years for the BK but when Avidyne offered 1/2 price for early sign up I went for it -- with the idear it would be a least a couple of years before approval. At least with Avidyne the demo gps that they displayed at Sun&fun and Airventure worked fully this was not the case with BK. I know an avidyne engineer who has encouraged me that the 540 should get the sign off by June he also mention it will have some very interesting capabilities that we have not seen yet!! So we will see.
  8. Don I like your panel set up very nice functional. It sure seams like six month is excessive time to wait ! Thanks for the pictures. RS
  9. Jose Yes I have thought about the 530w but I put up 8 amus not expecting it would take three years to get certified. It is especially aggravating because the previous two years I was waiting for the King 770 to come to market. Yes you are correct IDF 540 is was billed as a direct replacement for the 530w so I mistakenly assumed it would be compatible with The GTX 330. RS
  10. HopePilot thank you for your input. I put my order in for the SkyRagar DX. I just found out that my avidyne IDF 540 that I have been patiently waiting for three years will not be able to act as a position source for my GTX 330 even if upgraded to ES. So plan now is to sell GTX 330 and install Trig TT 31 mode S transponder ADSB out when the Avidyne IDF 540 is released some time 3rd Quarter this year? Then I will have full weather and traffic on a Ipad mini on my yoke.
  11. I have a question about the SkyGuard ADSB in/out unit that you are looking at. I am wondering how this unit will meet the 2020 mandate ? Specifically what TSO has it received. I know that I have to have an approved WAAS GPS to feed info to my mode S transponder in order to meet the 2020 mandate. I am impatiently wanting for final approval Avidyne IDF 540 for that part.
  12. I will be anxious to hear your results using the SkyGuard ADSB in/out using WingX. The SkyRadar DX is on sale for 650 dollars for GPS ADBS and AHRS. I plan on up grading my GTX330 to ES. I think this will be the cheapest way to meet Next Gen mandate and get full weather and traffic. I have been using the 696 for weather (XM) and traffic as well. The 696 is a great unit but I have to say the geo referenced approach plates on WingX beat the 696 by a long way specifically if ATC gives you direct to to an IAP fix two taps and you have the heading.
  13. Thanks for the reply. Do you use the standard SkyRadar antennas on the box? Where have you position the SkyRadar box in your aircraft?
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