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Yetti last won the day on April 29 2022

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About Yetti

  • Birthday 04/22/1968

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    kiws 11r
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    Cycling Flying building things
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  1. Clearly you are not one of those people that have scraps saved from 12 years ago for just this moment.
  2. you are probably right. I have some Mahogany laying around. A little Spar varnish. It would be a nice touch.
  3. I would make one out of White Oak or Red Oak nicely stained and varnished of course.
  4. hangar fairies are known to do good work. Just leave them a beer every now and then.
  5. First question. A cotter pin works. Put some in your plane tool box while you are at it. I purchased several latches off ebay Same part number much cheaper price than Spruce. Like $8 vs $40
  6. Yes the oil can travel up wind inside the engine compartment. has to do with low pressure and high pressure areas. after sitting after running, mine will leave a spot on the floor under the tube.
  7. In the Certified version of the Dynon MAP sensor, the part number will cross reference to a Jeep MAP sensor. The more you know.
  8. videos are designed to elicit a response from the viewer. Ask yourself this "At the end of this video I want the viewer to feel _________________" Then you shoot and edit to that. For the most part en route is pretty boring. Landing and take off is where the fun parts are.
  9. The Harbor Freight O2 sensor socket will work on the spark plugs with a bit of grinding. Snap on 3/8 drive sockets work without grinding.
  10. Simple things first. Check Belt condition and tightness. Build a new wiring harness to the alternator. Replace brushes in the alternator. May be a voltage regulator. Replace with Zeftronics.
  11. Consider for a moment that there is no right and wrong. There is only Alive and Dead. Fly like that.
  12. There is never a good ending when someone starts asserting their "rights". In motorcyles and bicycles I may have the right to pass in front of a car. But I know if I am in front of a car the car can hit me. So I always try to pass behind cars, which includes waving them on. Same with airplanes. If you never put yourself in a place where the other plane can hit you, you won't get hit. Same with a table saw. Don't ever put a body part in line with the blade. and you will not get cut or have wood hit you. In this case the Lancair pilot and passenger put themselves in a place that they could be hit, and they are now dead.
  13. There is another event with a CRJ at John Wayne Airport and a gear issue. There is also a corrosion issue with the CRJ. Flare would have been nice. We have all had the wind drop out from beneath us on a gusty day. In a prop plane you can throttle up and catch it sometimes.
  14. Not sure about using compressed air. Would a brake pump booster be enough to move it. The fear with air would be introducing more air into the systems to get out. We have done 40 pumps and then another 40 pumps with an oil can from the bottom to get all the air out.
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