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Everything posted by rbuck

  1. Will do!!
  2. So…concerning the younger generations and flying. It is true that there isn't a ton of interest in the younger generations right now. I'm part of them. I'm 26. But, I've got my license, own my own Mooney now (got it a few months ago), and fly as often as I can. And…for what it's worth, I majored in mechanical engineering. I think that the biggest barrier to younger folks flying is, actually, cost. Flying seems to be viewed as something that only the really rich folks can afford-even if (as some of you have pointed out)-that's not entirely the case. Perception can be reality. I think there's something to be said for video games making kids feel like their flying anyway, but I think it's a small thing. Even though I started flying 10 years ago when it was a little cheaper (I saved my money from working at an ice cream shop for lessons), operating costs are somewhat steep compared to airlines and even driving. I currently live in Seattle, but home is Denver. Flying my own plane round trip easily costs two or three times the price of an airline ticket both ways. Throw maintenance into the mix, and it isn't as cheap as we'd like. It just doesn't make a whole lot of financial sense to fly GA, especially for us younger folks who don't have a ton of savings or high paychecks. I have to move to Fort Benning, GA this spring, and I'm already saving just for the trip. It's going to cost a lot to move. All that being said, though, I think that there's more interest than we think. I get people almost every day that still ask if I really bought a plane, how much it costs, whether it would it be something they could afford too. I think it may take us younger folks a little longer to catch the bug, but it will come in time-especially when either (1) GA operating costs come down or (2) when we start making those better paychecks. For me, I'm going to be going back to school and plan on a couple of years of lean finances. But, I'm planning to keep my plane, maintain it well, fly when I can, and keep the dream alive as best I can.
  3. rbuck

    IMG 0272

    Yep. Where are you at right now?
  4. rbuck

    IMG 0276

    Monarch butterflies? That's a bit crazy. No, I haven't seen any. I'll be on the lookout now, though! Sounds like a really pretty place to ski and backpack. I'm originally from Colorado, but unfortunately I haven't owned my Mooney and lived there again. I did a lot of skiing and backpacking there, though. Sounds similar to the Cascades.
  5. rbuck

    IMG 0272

    That's Mount Saint Hellens, roughly 90 miles south of Seattle. The other pics with it are part of a string of volcanoes that stretches from Washington through Oregon (and maybe into upper CA, I'm not sure). I haven't lived in the Northwest long, and I'm actually leaving soon, but I've very much enjoyed the chance to be here for a little bit and fly. It's a beautiful place. If you ever have a chance to fly it, I highly recommend it.
  6. rbuck

    IMG 0276

    Yep, sure is. The other pics in here have Mt. Saint Hellens, Mt. Adams, Mt. Jefferson, and the Three Sisters. Have you flown out here before?
  7. Flying the Pacific Northwest is beautiful. A few pics to follow.

  8. Good deal. Yep, it's a C. Sorry I left that out. I just ordered the AXC. Thanks! I'm looking forward to getting back in the air.
  9. Made me homesick. I learned to fly in Boulder, and have since moved to Washington state. It's pretty, but not the Rockies.
  10. I've got the same problem, a slow drain. I have a Gill battery, 1 year old, that I'm going to replace after reading this thread. (I'll proceed with your other recommendations if that doesn't work.) If I buy a Concorde, though, which battery do you all get? I currently use a Gill G-35S.
  11. Congrats! I've had mine for about three weeks now, too.
  12. My 70 C doesn't have one, although I'm not sure if it's a short or a long rudder.
  13. Hey kurtsnyder, thanks for the find. I was just trying to find one of these. Looking forward to putting it in
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