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  1. It's a difficult decision, but I'm moving forward to sell my M20F. Please see attached flier. Just completed annual. 1975 M20F EXECUTIVE FOR SALE.docx
  2. Does anyone know of a site or company that sells reconditioned Bose headsets?
  3. Thanks again. Does anyone know what the alt static knob should look like in the normal (vs. alt) position? Should it be aligned with the tube, or perpendicular?
  4. Thanks for responses. RPM's, fuel and oil pressure all stable. Lower climb and cruise is significantly worse than typical hot humid weather effect. I'll ask mechanic to check lifters. Other thoughts?
  5. I've recently noticed a loss of power, most noticeable in climb and cruise. It seems I've lost 7 - 10 mph in cruise. I had the prop overhauled last year, and I'm just coming out of annual now with strong compressions, no loss of oil. 1975 M20F, ~4,200 hrs on airframe, mid time engine. Anyone else experience the same thing, and most importantly, what was cause and correction?
  6. During a recent preflight, the master switch on my 1975 M20F would not turn off. In addition, the flaps stuck at 1/2 and would not retract after takeoff. A similar thing happened last year, and the local mechanic replaced a relay which seemed to take care of the problem for a while. Now he's telling me that there is a system upgrade retro fit to replace all of the relays. Does anyone have info on this issue? Thx.
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