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About jacobwall

  • Birthday 08/25/1993

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    Dallas, TX
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  1. Thanks for the comments.  I put 5300+ hours on a F33A Bonanza.  Miss it still.  N4FH, Frank Hale?  Think he was the president of the American Bonanza Society at one time.

    1. David Lloyd

      David Lloyd

      Yep, it's the plane I was thinking of.  On Flightaware there is a pic of 4fh with the big tip tanks.  I think they were 50, maybe even 100 gallons each.  He referred to them as Dolly Partons.

    2. jacobwall


      Just now saw this. Yup, Frank Hailes' old plane. What's fascinating about Frank is, despite years of knowing his family and knowing him during the last two or so years before he passed, I'm always learning new things. I didn't know he was a charter member of ABS or that he was the treasurer back in the 1970s. Thanks for sending me down a fun rabbit hole this morning. :) 

  2. Previous 147EB owner here. I love what you did with the planes interior and GNX. We own a Bonanza now but I do often miss EB. Prior to us owning the plane, the gentleman spared no expense in having every mod possible put on the plane. Hundreds of hours of great memories of a low maintenance, speedy and capable aircraft.
  3. You brought up many valid points. I will take them to heart, it's just hard thinking of the loss my partner and I would be taking. This is one of those times where I should probably learn to cut my losses sooner rather than later. I will definitely be talking to references. Thanks for the input, I appreciate it. The loss we're looking at taking isn't something that my partner or I are comfortable with. Will we ever get our original investment back? Not a chance, the plane was purchased at the height of the market unfortunately. However, my partner and I would feel much more comfortable breaking even or losing less money while the market A) becomes stronger or we find a buyer. I can see a potential case being made that someone wouldn't want to buy a plane that was leasebacked to a flight school (or club, which is more realistic).
  4. Hi, Unfortunately, the aircraft market is weak. An opportunity, one that we couldn't pass up, has left us in a situation where we own two planes - a 1975 M20C and a 1976 V35B. We have the Mooney brokered in Las Vegas currently and are exploring our options. One option my partner brought up would be to dry or wet lease the aircraft to a flight school or club. I would normally be more hesitant to even consider leasing back our aircraft except for the fact that it's not a 172. In order for anyone to meet the insurance requirements I'd imagine that they're more responsible pilots. Is there anyone here who has experience, whether in a Mooney or not, with leasing back their aircraft to a flight school or club? Was it positive or negative? Do you have any suggestions or things you wish you would have done in retrospect? Thanks ahead of time!
  5. Please delete
  6. I have a first generation stratus unit for sale. Email me - me@jacobwall.com
  7. Hello, We are in the beginning stages of selling our 1975 M20C that we have in a partnership to move onto something a bit faster here in the next few months. Where would MS suggest that we get our airplane appraised in either the DFW metroplex or surrounding areas? A simple google search lands relatively weak results. Do y'all have any tips for selling an airplane that you would give to us first-time sellers? - Jacob
  8. I may be moving to Austin this summer and if I cannot find partners to buy out the other partners in Dallas and move the plane to Austin I am open to joining a partnership. PM me with more details please.
  9. I am potentially moving to Austin summer 2013 and if I do not find partners in Austin to buy out the other two partners here in Dallas I will need to sell my share here in Dallas. "Echo Bravo" as I call her has been a treat to fly, it's rather sad thinking that I might be parting with her. We currently have a partnership setup between three of us, one of which is an American Airlines mechanic which makes for very inexpensive maintenance as well as superb workmanship. We are split three ways with 25/25/50% ownership. The airplane does not have the best avionics that I can admit however we have spent time caring for the airplane and paid to to keep it meticulously maintained. Due to one of the partners being a mechanic things are extremely cheap to install and maintain. Our last annual came in at $1,500 with no major discrepancies (brake pad replacements was the "biggest" item). Since I joined this partnership in January 2012 I flew over 175 hours and roughly 100 flights and have never had to cancel a single one of them outside of for weather. The other two partners do not fly very often due to work, maybe a few times a year so I've never once had an issue with availability. We have a electric gravel hangar at the south end of ADS; the other partners are not willing to move the airplane unless you bought out the other 25% owner of which the 50% owner would accept moving it towards Rockwall, preferably the Rockwall Airport. Airframe, Engine, and Propellor: ~3460 Total Time ~1185 hours SMOH 3 Blade McCauley Prop Non-Speed Modifications: New landing gear pucks, all 3 gears Oct/2011 New Sky-Tec starter Nov 2011 O&N Bladder mod 3/05 Overhauled landing gear motor and gear assembly Feb/2012 (40:1 gear ratio by LASAR, much more reliable than the old 20:1) Speed/Performance Modifications: One piece belly mod Dorsal fin mod 231 wingtip mod 1/4" Glass 201 windshield mod Cowling enclosure mod Flap/Aileron gap seal mod Rounded window corners Avionics/Radios: JPI FS-450 Fuel Flow System JPI Digital Tach S-TEC 60-2 Autopilot KX165TSO Digital Radio #1 Mac1700 10/10 Ea Digital Storable Radio/Nav Freqs Radio #2 3M WX-8 Stormscope King KT76TSO Transponder Bendix/King KR87TSO ADF King KN62A TSO DME HSI AeroLogistics 4 cyl Digital EGT system Visual Instruments LED Voltmeter Level Indicator KMA20TSO Com Selector/Marker Beacon Indicator Additional Equipment: 4 place intercom Custom interior No damage history Other: Electric gear and flaps All AD's current New ignition switch 7/05 Alternator/Voltage Regulator 4/06 Fuel Boost Pump 10/05 Main Battery replaced 2010 ELT Battery replaced Oct/11 Interior: 7/10 The interior shows some wear from the years but functionality wise it is fine and comfortable for the multi-hour legs that I do. Exterior: 8/10 The exterior has some places where the clear coat that goes on after painting has come off but that's only because when washing the plane the pressure washer got a bit too close when I was washing it last summer. You cannot see it in photos and only notice it when you're extremely close. For the sake of potentiality of buying more than 25% in this transaction I am listing costs at 25% 50% and total costs we all pay. If there's any confusion, feel free to ask and I will clarify. Note: Hangar, insurance, and annuals are split three ways. 25% | 50% | Total Cost Hangar: $120 | $180 | $360 Airplane Note (~$52k left, maturity Jan 2024): $152.50 | $305 | $610 Insurance (Lowest time was me at last renewal, 300 TT, 150 MM, 175 complex): $435 | $870 | $1305 Annual (last): $500 | $750 | $1500 Engine Reserves: $20 Per Tach Hour (~$3,000 prepaid into the fund) Buy-out Cost: $5,000 per 25%
  10. Don't buy the Bluetooth version, it does not play music through bluetooth like Lightspeeds. They're incredibly comfortable and quiet but I've had to go through three different modules in the year I've owned the pair. I am very gentle with my headsets and Bose has no clue why they keep failing. To note, even though they fail ANR still works but muting when intercom is on doesn't work anymore and I've heard of other people having consistent issues with them. I am looking at selling mine to get the Zulu 2's as my Zulus have been rock solid for the three years I've had them.
  11. Hello, I am looking at buying a 696 and I only use iPads for flying so I am trying to see if I can make some of my money back. I am located in Dallas (Traveling between Highland Park and Southlake) so if you're local I can meet you pretty much anywhere in DFW. iPad 2 16GB Verizon - Black - $375 - OBO Works flawlessly, only one scratch on the screen and it's not anything big. There is a slight dent on the back of the iPad but it does not effect performance at all. Picture - Front Picture - Back Spec Page iPad 3 32GB Verizon - White - $550 OBO Works flawlessly, no scratches. Under warranty until 4/9/2013 through Squaretrade. Picture - Front Picture - Back Spec Page Spidertracks S - $700 OBO Works great, I have two power cords. You can then hardwire one in your airplane and have one for when you fly other airplanes. It's incredibly useful for those who fly in areas without radar coverage or want peace of mind for their loved ones. Picture Spec Page Message me or you can email me at jdwall@smu.edu
  12. I got in a M20C at 150TT/0MM/25 Complex and our insurance premium was $1649 per year with an insured value of $79000. Since you've got an F and 0 complex time you're looking at a little bit more even if at the same insured value. Going to a Mooney with low time, such as I did, was not that hard to transition to. It's surely a much different type of airplane to fly (I came from a 172 and 177RG) but it isn't anything you probably can't handle. I suggest that you take your time with your insurance checkout, while insurance only wanted 1 hour of dual instruction for me I continued on to do around 10. Since the first of the year I've put another 100 hours or so on since I'm glad that I spent the extra time on the insurance checkout.
  13. I have one as well, I've got all but praise except for the fact that the cigarette lighter keeps coming out. I'm not sure if that's an issue with the cigarette lighter in the plane or the design of the artic air cooler. It fits in the baggage compartment which is nice since you can put two other passengers and it isn't next to them in the back seat which I did previously.
  14. Quote: Bradg33 I'm interested in forming a partnership with 3 other pilots (4 total) to purchase an M20C/E/F/G. I'm curious as what kinds of costs other owners, particular those in partnerships, see. I hope to finance the aircraft, something in the $40-60k range, and include in the partnership's monthly fees the note payment. Assuming every partner has a reasonable amount of time in complex airplanes, and an instrument rating, what kind of rates should we expect to see on a $50k hull value? Assuming the airplane has manual gear/flaps, how much should I assume an average annual inspection will cost (assume no major squawks)? How do you handle funds for routine maintenance? What else am I forgetting? What else should I know? Edit: I'm in the Kansas City-area, in case anyone is looking for a partner.
  15. We used Falcon insurance for the M20C. I was the lowest time individual and for $73k hull value, PPL, 150 TT, 25 complex, 0 MM, it was around the high $1k if I remember correctly. This year it should be considerably less now that I've got a lot of time. I say just the first year, fly like crazy.
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