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Approx Annual operating costs for M20K231


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Hello everyone,

I'm looking at buying a share of a 1984 M20K 231 close to me (ELLX - Luxembourg).

But I am surprised at the costs being shown, so I would appreciate some input.

Fixed costs (insurance, hangar, CoA, GPS db) are said to be 5000 which seems ok

But annual maintenance costs for an annual + 100h + 50h "should not go above 17000 EUR if no major work is done"


It seems rather steep to me, but maybe it's me living in wonderland ?

Any input appreciated



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Hanger, insurance, GPS updates, as fixed costs they are what they are. Do a little searching in Lux and surrounding countries to determine if what you are being told is accurate.

Certainly the cost for an annual inspection is going to vary depending on the shop and mechanics used. Here in the US I have seen annuals range from about $1100 dlls to about $2400 dlls. My mechanic charges $1700 for the inspection. For small and rather minor repairs, he does not charge anything above his inspection costs except for the parts used so long as the time involved is not excessive. Then I get his normal shop rate for any real repairs beyond minor. This year my annual was less than $2000 and the most expensive annual that I have had in the 5 years that I have had the airplane was about $2400. Of course, I very much stay on top of any maintenance during the year and do not wait or postpone until annual time.

Given that the EUR and Dlls are similar in value, if you were quoted 1700 EUR that would make sense to me. 17000 would be ridiculous and sickening.


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May I ask why is there a 100hr and a 50hr inspection? Is this plane a rental? Is the maintenance in the landing gear or?

Some aviation authorities require compliance with the manufacturer's maintenance manual, so these inspections may be required.


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Now I better understand that you were talking about total maintenance for the year.

The first week that I owned this airplane was spent doing agreed upon repairs that were part of the sale as well as an extensive annual. I installed a JPI 830, new battery, new shock disks, rebuilt nose gear from Lasar, rebuilt mags, and anything and everything that we could think of. I spent about $4000 of the previous owner's money and about $4000 of my own to make sure and minimize any lingering problems and make sure that all maintenance that might have been past due was up to par. Since then, outside of changing the oil, filter, and filling with fuel, I doubt that I have spent more than $3000 per year in total maintenance including the annual inspection and associated repairs.

So, from my point of view, unless the regulations in Luxembourg and the EU are so heinous as to require that 17000 EUR, it still makes no sense to me. Someone would need to show me some serious justification for costs that high.


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I would think it would be reasonable to ask the current owner for a list of the prior 12 months of "maintenance" cost. They should also be documented within the logs as well (except for items such as engine reserve or future planned expenses...).    This should give you a clear picture of whether the maintenance the owner is suggesting is really maintenance or does it include upgrades such as avionics, mods, (items that may be reasonable just not expected to be maintenance items).

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Thank you all.

I should be flying the aircraft this week and will take the opportunity to ask for much more details about this.

I am glad that there is a consensus that this is very high especially considering the partnership has been running 15 years.. If they have this budget annually i certainly cannot cope with it.

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