Who would imagine that Thursday of Airventure 2023 would be an immensely busy departure day??? I was leaving Oshkosh to go to Oasis Aero in Willmar, MN to get the annual done on my Ovation.
ATC was using Runway 27 that morning for all departures and some arrivals while using Rwy 36 for arrivals only. There were more planes coming from the South side of 27 than from the North. A twin Cessna on the South said on the radio that he had been taxiing for 2-1/2 hours and his engines were getting "warm". Shortly after that ATC noted he was having trouble taxiing onto the runway and it was because the twin had a "dead engine". Ughhh!!! It took me 1 hr and 40 min since engine start on the North side to takeoff. Fortunately CHT's were OK but oil temp was slowly creeping up ....
ATC managed the volume of traffic superbly always being jovial and professional at the same time. Quite a few rapid fire instructions along the way.
Enjoy the rapid fire ATC!!