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Found 7 results

  1. Are any of the Mooney Caravan or other formation knowledgeable CFIs in the Greater NYC area? A friend was asking about doing some formation training (he is aware of the Mooney Caravan and that may be part of his interest). And to his credit, the CFII he usually flies with said he's done formation flights, but he didn't think he would be the best to work with my friend.
  2. Mooney Caravan: 2018 Flying Monkeys Formation Clinic 4-6 May 2018 Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2018 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 4-6, 2018 Host: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) davemarten77@gmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Comfort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guidehttp://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Breakfast is included 6-9am. Schedule: Friday 4 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 5 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 6 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten davemarten77@gmail.com A nominal clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  3. Mooney Caravan: 2018 Flying Monkeys Formation Clinic 4-6 May 2018 Join us for a weekend of fun, flying, and fellowship in the Air Capital of the World! The primary goal of the formation practice session is to introduce the basic 2-ship formation procedures required for participation in the Mooney Caravan to Oshkosh 2018 formation mass arrival to AirVenture Oshkosh. For those pilots proficient in basic 2-ship formation they will have the opportunity to both refine their fundamentals and work on 4-ship procedures. Experienced formation pilots will be paired with new pilots to serve as safety pilots. Location: Newton City/County Municipal Airport, Newton, KS http://www.airnav.com/airport/KEWK Dates: May 4-6, 2018 Host: Dave Marten (Mooney Caravan) davemarten77@gmail.com (605) 390-8044 FBO: Metro North Flight Support (Main Terminal) Arrival parking is on the main ramp located immediately in front of the terminal. Ground School: Formation Academics will be held FRIDAY evening at 7:30 pm at the Comfort Inn and Suites (host hotel) Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training **Friday evening Ground School will maximize flying on Saturday. Hotel: Comfort Inn & Suites at a discount rate Call for reservations: (316) 804-4866 Breakfast is included 6-9am. Schedule: Friday 4 May: - 1600-1800: Arrival Social in airport terminal - 1600 thru 1800: Shuttle to host hotel - 1930: Newbies: Initial Formation Academics. Saturday 5 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief – flight assignments (Mandatory for ALL pilots) - 0830-1030: Sortie 1 (brief, fly 45min, debrief) - 1030-1200: Sortie 2 - 1200-1330: Lunch at Airport - 1400-1530: Sortie 3 - 1600-1730: Sortie 4 ***Group Dinner/Social 1830 Sunday 6 May: - 0730: Meet at hotel lobby for shuttle to airport - 0800: Mass brief - 0830-1200: AM window fly for those interested Mooney Caravan: www.mooneycaravan.com Registration: David Marten davemarten77@gmail.com A nominal clinic fee will cover snacks/beverages, printing, and admin costs
  4. The follow will be published in an upcoming local newspaper in Panama City Beach. Mooney Summit really made a real big "splash" in the area. Mooney Summit V The Mooney Summit is a 501 ©3 organization established in Panama City Beach in 2012 by Ron Dubin and Mike Elliott to promote safety and educational seminars to Mooney Pilots worldwide. Before I begin to explain what the Mooney Summit is about, you should probably know something about a Mooney airplane. A Mooney is the lesser known of the big four airplanes certified in the US. Everyone has heard of Cessna, Piper and Beechcraft but not Mooney. And why you ask? Perhaps that the Mooney is a single engine 4-seat niche aircraft designed to fly extremely fast and efficient, with characteristics of flight only experienced pilots can fly. They are all made in small numbers in Kerrville, Texas and named after the inventor – Al Mooney in the late 50’s. They are extremely safe when flown properly and are built with similar safety and performance designs as Boeing jets. A turbocharged Mooney can fly at altitudes as high as 25,000 feet and reach speeds up to 280 mph true air speed. Anyways, now to the Mooney Summit V Our mission is to “Better the Breed”, making Mooney pilots better stewards of our airplanes as well as interacting within the National Airspace. Our meeting this year was held at several locations throughout the city from September 29-October 1 and included 161guests, pilots and spouses from all across the US and even from London, England. This event is gaining in popularity throughout the Mooney community due to the uniqueness of the program. Everything is provided free to all attendees including subject expert speakers from the FAA, industry, and other leaders in aviation. All our food, entertainment, dinners, breakfasts, and even lodging to many of our attendees in 18 beach front condominiums and homes are free. Our Friday evening socials at my penthouse condo at Origin at Seahaven is a very popular event which earmarks the groups return to PCB and features fabulous catered meals and drinks. Earlier that day was airport day at the Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport which features experts in formation flying and other topics followed by a formation flight of 5 Mooney’s over the airport and city. This event was open to the public and put on by Lee Fox and Bucko Strehlow. Saturday and Sunday conferences were held at the Seahaven Conference Center and were led off with an introduction to the city by Mayor Mike Thomas. The topics discussed were very informative and helpful. These included the safety and regulations of flying to Cuba including FAA paperwork, overwater flying and safety equipment required. One speaker spoke passionately about a recent experience which occurred over Canadian airspace where he completely passed out due to Carbon Monoxide poisoning and crash landed the plane. This occurred in an isolated area during the winter months and required survival tactics similar to the techniques used in the current movie, “The Mountain Between Us.” The importance of having a CO detector in a plane (as well as in homes) was an important take home message. Engine performance and analysis of evaluating potential engine problems was a lecture from Ron New, Savvy Aviation, Las Vegas, NV Saturday evening all the participants and family members were treated to a dinner at the Runaway Island restaurant compliments of Mooney International. Awards, silent auctions, and speakers from the Mooney factory were the highlights of the evening while underneath the glow was the appreciation of the factory’s continued support for the existing fleet of all the Mooney’s in the world. Early Sunday morning was the second formation flight, this time over the beaches from pier to pier. Most beach goers who saw the event probably noticed the one thing that is unique to Mooney’s – the design of the tail that looks like it’s on backwards. But backwards it is not, the tails unique design gives the plane its wonderful and sexy appeal while outperforming all other planes with their normal looking tails. Other events during the Mooney Summit V included a free companion flying course given by a local certified pilot instructor Ron Jarmon. Non flying spouses were given an entire day instructional course on how to land a Mooney in the event of the pilot becoming unable to land. They were taught such things as who to call on the radio for help, how to navigate to an airport and the proper ways to set up for a landing. Ron also has one of the most advanced flight simulators ever made and housed at the PCB airport and demonstrated this to the attendees. Max Gurgew, a pilot examiner for the FAA from Birmingham, Alabama, is an annual speaker due to his entertaining abilities while educating us on the proper ways to fly an instrument approach to an airport while in the clouds and fog. Bruce Landsburg is the nominee from President Trump to serve as Vice Chair of the National Transportation Safety Board and spoke on true confessions of pilot errors. Another speaker spoke on ditching procedures and survival techniques over long distance water flying. The Mooney Summit has established the Bill Gilliand Foundation to provide emergency crisis intervention and financial assistance for downed Mooney Pilots’ immediate families. Unique in general aviation, Mooney owners are not only bonded together by the planes we all fly but as well as this foundation for the caring and compassion towards Mooney families. Bill Gilliand was a VP of Simon Properties (owners of Pier Park) and was killed in a Mooney accident in 2013. Mike Elliott, the co-founder of the Summit, was a passenger in the plane but survived. We decided to make this foundation a tribute to Bill and his family. As we came to a close on that Sunday October 1, the weather was low overcast clouds and very windy. But this did not dampen anyone’s spirit as we all talked about the return of the Mooney Summit VI from September 28-30, 2018 and how this conference has become, in five years, the largest gathering of Mooney owners in the world. Ronald S. Dubin, M.D. You can also review a past newspaper article on the Mooney Summit V http://www.newsherald.com/news/20170930/mooney-pilots-land-in-bay-for-5th-annual-summit
  5. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  6. Mooney Caravan "Flying Monkeys" / B2Osh "Beechnutz" Midwest Formation Clinic Mooney Pilots, The " Flying Monkeys" Midwest Wing of the Mooney Caravan invites you to follow the yellow brick road to the Land of Oz for our 2017 Mooney Caravan Formation Clinic! This year we are co-hosting with our Bonanza friends, the Beechnutz! Join us for a fun weekend of flying and fellowship as we mix it up over the Emerald City! No matter whether you're lacking a heart, brain, courage, or perhaps all three we can train a Monkey to fly. So leave the Wicked Witch and Toto at home, grab your ruby slippers and let's FLY! Date: April 20-23, 2017 (Thursday - Sunday) Location: New Century Airport, Olathe, KS, KIXD http://www.airnav.com/airport/KIXD Hosts: Craig Wilcox of theB2Osh Beechnutz, 816-885-6472 craigwilcox737@gmail.com James Oliphant bandguy@sbcglobal.net and Dave Marten davemarten77@gmail.com 605-390-8044 and the “Flying Monkeys” of the Mooney Caravan FBO: Advanced Jet Center, 913-768-1500 Facilities: Public, Controlled, Formation-Friendly Controllers Runway 18/36: 7300’ x 150’ / Paved / Lighted / Approaches Runway 04/22: 5100’ x 100’ / Paved Hotels: Group discounts at two local hotels. Contact Craig Wilcox 816-885-6472 or craigwilcox737@gmail.com to reserve a room. Transportation: Beechnutz Bus and/or Rental Vans. $30 Bus Fee covers all clinic transportation. Rental cars also available from Enterprise, booking and discount thru Advanced Jet. Pick up and drop off at airport. Registration Fee: $80 Covers snacks, drinks, all lunches, Saturday Steak dinner, Line boy Tip and CAF donation. Registration: Please register thru the B2Osh website https://www.b2osh.org/MbrPgm/Events/EventsOne.asp?R8r06=ILJ or via e-mail to the hosts listed above. Make checks payable to: "Beechnutz Formation Flying Club", 2130 Lowman Road, Smithville, MO 64089 Program and Event Details: This is primarily an Advanced Clinic for pilots wishing to train in 4-ship formation flying. Practice sessions will begin with 2-ship formation evaluations, then progress to 4-ship formation training, including element takeoffs, landings, crossunders, rejoins, and multiple position station keeping. Pilots will fly with Safety Pilots as required. By the end of the clinic, pilots should be proficient in all 4-ship flight maneuvers, and may be eligible for an FFI checkride. An FFI Check Pilot will be available. Pilots new to formation flying are also welcome, and a separate Basic 2-ship ground school will be conducted. Flight composition and events will be tailored to the flight members to maximize training efficiency. Initial Formation Academics: Introduction and review of fundamental 2- ship procedures focusing on training requirements for the Caravan mass arrivals. Mandatory for those who have not previously attended a Money Caravan clinic. Download and review the Mooney Caravan Formation Guide and watch the Ground School video on the Mooney Caravan website training page.http://www.mooneycaravan.com/training Schedule: Thursday 17:00 - Mandatory Ground School, CAF Briefing Room Friday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Saturday Fly. Eat. Fly. Eat. Drink. Sunday AM Fly, Depart 11:00
  7. Yesterday, Yves and I flew to Kingston from Ottawa for dinner at a little place they know. Nice place. But the best part was the formation flying from Rockcliffe to Kingston. C-FQKM +1 departed Rockcliffe at 5:30 pm local and landed in Kingston at 6:10 pm local, after doing the overhead break and landing in trail. Runway 25 was not wide enough for even a two ship element to land. We wanted runway 19, but it was not the active. At first Yves did the lead job, then we switched about 20 minutes into the flight, then back to him for the landing. After dinner, it was a beautiful night flight home. Ute took the pictures. I was kinda busy. Here are the pics. Today, I will register for the Caravan.
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