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Found 6 results

  1. 1973 Cessna T210L With RAM TISO-520-R Conversion Go to www.blueskiesaviation.aero for more information or call 512-392-7035 or email at EMAPAsales@gmail.com N59076 Serial Number: 21060072 and Hartzell 3 Bladed Q-Tip Propeller $100,000 obo Buyer gets $500 off the next annual of this aircraft if you bring to us after you buy it. AFTT: 4705 ETT: 2999 TSOH: 1258.65 TSTOH: 726-65 PTT: 1143.65 Turbo TSOH: 726.55 This is a "Known Ice" aircraft and has a "Q-Tip" Prop. Heavy Crankcase, De-Ice Boots and a Windshield Hot Plate. Avionics: Garmin 430W, JPI 700 with Fuel Flow and a Hoskins Fuel Totalizer 101, S Tec 60 Auto Pilot Paint is in good condition, no hail damage. Soft leather seats in good condition. Seats 6.
  2. 1980 Mooney Go to www.blueskiesaviation.aero for more information or call 512-392-7035 or email at emapasales@gmail.com N4067H Mooney Model M20J Over $40k in Avionics Installed fully loaded. $115,000 obo. Buyer gets $500 off next annual if you bring this aircraft to us for it's next annual after you buy it. AFTT: 2409.31 ETT: 2409.31 ETSOH: 409 PTT: 32.45 Last Annual done 4/1/2014 No Damage History (including no Gear Ups) Paint and interior done: 4-2012 Useful load just under 900 lbs. Magneto O/H: 1-16-2014 New Battery Installed 7-26-2013 Alternator O/H: 7-23-2013 New Ignition Switch Installed: 1-28-2014 New Throttle Cable installed: 1-28-2014 ELT Battery Due: 3-2015 IFR Re-Cert Due: 04-2016 Oil Cooler O/H: 6-2014 Engine Hoses replaced with Teflon Hoses: 6-2014 O&N 64 Gal Fuel Bladders installed: 6-2013 Aircraft has Electric Flaps, Electric Landing Gear and Electric Speed Brakes. Avionics: Garmin 430W, Garmin 530W, Garmin GTX 330 Transponder, Garmin GI106A Glide Slope and Garmin GMA 340 Audio Panel. JPI 700 Engine Monitor with Fuel Flow and a WX-1000 Storm Scope. Auto Pilot is a KFC200 Can you find a Mooney M20J for less? Of course you can, but you won't find one in this nice of condition with these options that has been this nicely maintained and cared for at this price.
  3. I don't believe we have a thread on aircraft brokers so I thought I'd start one. I hope that Nick won’t mind but I just had such a wonderful experience that I really felt the need to make a post. I wanted to sell my Mooney 201 and had pondered it for probably over a year before I finally decided to take the leap. I was, for a short time thinking of just buying a single that had TKS when I came across a Mooney Missile that was listed for sale. The listing was one of the nicer ones I have seen and was put together by New Heights Aviation (Nick Eberling). It wasn’t long after it was listed that I heard from Nick and he was moving it across the country to its new owner. A few months later when I decided to finally put mine up for sale I got in touch with Nick and we talked about his process and fees. I was immediately taken back when I heard what small fee he charges and then when I learned what I got for that fee it was a no brainer. I was ready to get started instantly and I was made to feel like I was his number one priority. Well that was not just a feeling or fluff. Nick only carries a few clients so each and every one of them gets his complete attention. Within one week of his very noble “handshake” agreement Nick was at my airport to meet the airplane first hand and begin the photo process. When I say process, I mean PROCESS! I am sure that Nick’s professionalism, work ethic, demeanor and fastidious behavior come as much from his upbringing as it does from his training and current profession of serving our country as an F15 fighter pilot. He had to make sure that we picked the right day, as he wanted as much as possible to have perfect atmospheric conditions as he photographed my Mooney. He showed up at sunrise, literally, and began to surmise the area like a Hollywood producer. I thought that I had cleaned the airplane up well, but evidentially I didn’t as I came around the corner and just saw feet hanging out of my baggage area as he was face first inside the airplane vacuuming. It was during my first phone conversation with Nick that I knew I had picked the right guy for the upcoming job but when I saw this I almost broke down in tears because it’s so hard this day and age to actually find somebody that is so committed to doing a great job. I also knew with his commitment that I was going to have to wave goodbye to my beloved Mooney before long. Oh did I mention that it was less than 20 degrees while this was going on and those feet that were pointed skyward out of my baggage area had no shoes on them. He was up and down the wing and didn’t want to dirty the wing walk. This dude is nuts. After a minimum of 3 hours Nick had finished up the pictures of which he had taken over 180 of them. Folks you need to know that his attention to detail with these photos is not to try to make the airplane something it’s not but to give prospective buyers the very best representation of the airplane possible while they’re sitting in front of their computers instead of just guessing what the airplane is like from the 5 pictures we see when inevitably shopping on Controller or Trade-a-Plane. I am sure that I’m biased but I believe if you ask the new owner of my Mooney if it was what he was expecting he would overwhelmingly say that it was. I hope so because he bought it sight unseen, which with anybody else listing the airplane would be a huge mistake, most of the time. But with Nick at the helm it’s a non-issue. I believe that it was within a day of Nick being here to do the photos that there was a website dedicated to my aircraft with bundles of high-resolution photos and links to a complete copy of the logbooks. For the life of me I can’t understand why every single broker out there doesn’t put this information on the listing as just about anybody looking for an airplane is going to want to see the logbooks? Nick puts every bit of information out there for prospective buyers to peruse at their leisure and if they’re interested then they will get in touch with him. I for one love this process instead of having to beg for information and then be pressured by the “salesman”. Within a week of taking the photos Nick had perused the logbooks personally so he knew the airplane inside and out. He also had the most professional looking listings you will ever see on Trade-a-plane, Controller, Barnstormers and the popular Mooney forum. If any of you are familiar with Zig Ziglar you will understand this. “You will get all you want out of life if you help enough other people get what they want”. Nick has what I believe to be a real passion for general aviation and he loves to share that passion and help others achieve the dream of owning a great airplane. So when he is playing the part of “salesman” it certainly doesn’t come across that way because while he is trying to sell the airplane he’s listing, his real passion is in finding the objectives of the buyer and I’m willing to bet that if he thinks this is not the right plane for them then he’s going to speak up. He is that genuine which is why I think he is so good at this. I almost hate to use the word “broker” as it carries with it, at least for me, a “used car salesman” connotation and nothing could be further from the truth. I was kept in the loop on what was happening through the time my airplane was listed but not drowned with information. If there was somebody really interested then Nick would let me know. It was the perfect balance of feeling like nothing was happening to getting every piece of correspondence. From the time we had a solid offer to the time it left my hangar was about a week and a half. It probably would’ve been just a matter of days but we fixed a couple things on the airplane and had to wait for parts. Because of the constraints of my work Nick took the broker hat off and put on the ferry pilot hat and flew the Mooney to Utah. I’m here to tell you that he is quite the contortionist. He has bent over backwards so many times to make sure that everything was perfect for not only me but the buyer as well. The buyer really wanted the airplane to be delivered before he went on an extended business trip but certainly wasn’t requiring it to be. Nick never lost site of that request and got the airplane to him with a week to spare. Folks, I just can’t possibly explain how easy the process was from start to finish. Not only was it easy but enjoyable and I made a great friend along the way. If you are looking to sell your airplane or buy an airplane, you would do extremely well by getting in touch with New Heights Aviation! First class all the way and easily the best value I have seen yet in aviation. Take the time to peruse his website as it’s very telling of his professionalism. http://newheightsaviation.com
  4. A local hanger might be available for my Mooney. However, current owners have a 61 Piper Colt sitting in the hanger that they want to sell before they will let me use the hanger. The two place Colt was covered in Ceconite in about 1980. My contact says that, as he recalls, aircraft and engine are about 1900 hours. He reports that engine is running well, had what might amount to a Top OH, and should go at least another 400 hours. It has auto gas STC. Package Nav/Com. It is about two years out of annual. I think they will sell it, as is, in flight ferryable condition for around $8,000. As they work on it that price will probably change and after annual it will certainly change. Send me a private if you would like to talk to them.
  5. Hello all-- I am an airline pilot and run a free aviation classifieds website on the side. If you are looking for a high quality, free way to augment your advertising check it out. You can list aircraft for sale or lease, offer a partnership in your aircraft or request a partnership. You can also post a request for an aircraft to buy. Listings include 20 photos, a video link and logbook file uploads, free. There's no limit to how many listings you can have on the site and your listings do not expire. I am working on a module for Parts, Products, Services and more using the same format that should be online in the next 30 days. Thank you for reading, Marty http://www.AircraftShowroom.aero
  6. Here's the ASO link. http://www.aso.com/l...585809= I'm out of town till Oct. 20 so I won't be able to respond to inquiries. See you guys and gals Oct. 21.
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