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Everything posted by kommers

  1. 152 is not, I don't want my wife to sit on CFI's lap. ) I had about 12 hrs on 152 and ran away to 172, this little thing qualifies for an airplane only when there is only one person in the cockpit, otherwise it looks more like a romantic encounter
  2. Becca, $170/hr is a total charge, plane and CFI and taxes. PDK charges are actually much higher
  3. Greg, thank you for great suggestion. Yes, Lasar.com has the part, at least it is in their catalog. I will call them tomorrow ! THANKS !!!
  4. Well, renting C172 with CFI in our school will run me $1700 for another 10 hrs. The kit, according to A/P guy at the school, is about $1000. Trouble is he doesn't know where to get it and his only suggestion is to look at the places that sell Mooney parts which I tried already, with no success whatsoever.
  5. well, our runway is longer that 5000 and yet all these guys refused to instruct. They keep saying that I need to retrofit the bird with brakes on the right side and my options are limited to a couple of airports
  6. Greetings, Just got myself 1962 Money 20C and I don't know much of this bird yet. What I know is that only the left seat is equipped with brakes and there is nothing for co-pilot. Because of that, our local CFI's refuse to provide instructions to my wife who only had 11 hours on C172 before. I was told that there is a co-pilot brake kit that can be installed on the right side, but I could not find this kit or any info pertaining to the installation of co-pilot brakes. f anyone can point me into the right direction or even sell the necessary part(s) I will be forever in your debt. thank you Yuri
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