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  1. There is no ADS-B concept limitation here. The GPS position of all the participants is known, and the absolution bearing to all of them is displayed, regardless of where the nose is pointing or if a track exists. The determination of relative bearing from a stationary target just needs the heading to be fed into the map. But, I don't think this has anything to do with the false CSA failure. Most likely there is a divide by zero (or something like that) when the heading and track are uninitialized. Which is why the problem clears when taxiing. Garmin will fix their algorithm and all will be well.
  2. A Garmin 530 tray for sale as a result of an IFD540 installation. There are no connectors with this, not even the RF connectors, please see the pictures. $230.
  3. My IFD 540 just arrived so my GNS-530W is for sale. It will be removed from the panel this week. Very good condition, $7000.
  4. I was there (1N7) on Sunday (July 6th). The power was out, so while they had fuel, there was no way to pump it. No one knew when it would be coming back on or why it was out. The gliders were getting towed from the grass to the left of 25 (the active runway that day). They cross the taxiiway during the takeoff roll. I flew to Stroudsburg for fuel (have to climb over a ridge to get there). The displaced threshold on 26 is pretty long, and the arrows are very faint. The first part of the runway is ok, but gets bumpy after about 1200 feet. There looks to be a lot of skydiving there, I waited for 12 to come down (a Super Otter's worth of divers) before starting back up after refueling.
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