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Everything posted by jnisley

  1. We just had our servo and flow divider overhauled by this shop, all good so far.
  2. The overhauled servo/flow divider was installed and the first test flight has been completed, so far so good.
  3. Yes, everything from the servo forward was sent in.
  4. Quoting from the SIL sounds like ours is in the "updraft configuration" because it is mounted on the bottom of the sump, or am I not understanding it correctly. "These servos are typically installed on Lycoming engines with the servo in the updraft configuration (mounted to the bottom of the sump). "
  5. Not completely, that oil came from somewhere but where hasn't been determined, the last time the servo was overhauled was back in 2002, approximately 1000 hours ago and I'm not aware that this SIL inspection has ever been done since.
  6. The shop who inspected and overhauled our fuel servo told us they found oil on the air side of the regulator and referred us to a Service Information Letter from Precision Airmotive LLC www.precisionairmotive.com/Publications/SIL RS-40 Rev1.pdf
  7. My mechanic clearly communicated with the shop that we had an incident and that we need to find what went wrong.
  8. Here's the latest, My mechanic called Don Maxwell who referred him to Aircraft Carburetor and Injection Services of Texas, LLC, the fellow he talked to at this shop wants, not only the fuel servo but all the fuel components forward of the servo including the injectors. I believe we're in good hands, it'll be shipped tomorrow.
  9. Do you have this shop's contact info, my mechanic is planning on calling Don Maxwell but we might save some time if we can contact the shop directly?
  10. Any feedback good or bad of Aircraft Accessories of Oklahoma would be appreciated?
  11. Here is the link to the video I took minutes after landing.
  12. I have it on my iPhone and iPad, I'll work on getting it posted today. Thanks!
  13. Notice the cold EGTS at 850RPM, 4.6 fuel flows
  14. My number 3 cylinder (2 bars on the engine monitor) was in the 350 range, my oil temperature was 202 degrees (on the engine monitor) when I shut down. So to answer your question.......46 year old gauges.
  15. Here are several pics of rpm fuel flow from the video, I tried to upload the video but couldn't.
  16. Does anyone know or could someone check what your IO360s fuel flow is at 800 RPM when you get a chance?
  17. My mechanic and I already discussed this, they will be made aware that we had a power loss incident and weren't able to pinpoint the problem on the ground, and believe me, I'm not flying the plane until I know what caused the problem.
  18. Report from mechanic: -Air ducting is fine -Turbo is fine Fuel servo is being pulled off as I write this. Can anyone tell me what the fuel flow should be while on the ground at around 800 RPM, I just reviewed the video I took when I did the run up after I had landed, it was 4.55-4.69 GPM, I wish I would have videoed the flow at higher power settings? When I did the run up it ran better at higher power settings than lower power settings, and it didn't idle at all below 700RPM
  19. I didn't do a takeoff from FKL, just an approach to the MAP then climbout but it probably wasn't wise doing it so soon after leveling off. I always try to switch while close to an airport if possible.
  20. One important detail I forgot to mention in my first post was the fact that I had just switched tanks when things went south, I immediately switched to the original tank when it's started missing, but nothing changed, both tanks have plenty of fuel, 10+ and 15+. The monitor doesn't show fuel flow. The fuel servo and the distribution spider is on our list to check, the first order of business is to look at the air intake ducting, turbo etc Precision Airmotives has a troubleshooting guide for the RSA 5-AD1 fuel servo that gives a list of things to check.
  21. Here are the engine monitor results, you can see when I initially leveled off, when I leaned out, when I descended during the practice approach, climbed, leveled off......and when things went south:( The first two photos I seperated CHT and EGT, the third I combined them. My mechanic will be troubleshooting the problem in a day or so. I'll keep you posted.
  22. Thanks for all your kind responses! I'll keep you posted on what my mechanic finds, he won't be looking at it until after the weekend.
  23. On a Rayjay turbonormalizer the waste gate is fully open when the turbo isn't in use so it's not producing any significant boost. Not sure what the color of the smoke was because I couldn't see it from the cockpit, it was my two passengers that informed me. I haven't had a chance yet to download the data from the EI UBG-16. I didn't notice fuel flow.....too busy:)
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