@carusoamOh yes. I’m following.
I found that log entry and other posts with tips on flight physics and reasons not to violate POH limitations interesting reads.
But my question was really simple and I believe too much was read into it.
I just wanted to know if any one had tried it. That logbook entry proves someone did almost 30 years ago. My 20J is closer to 40 yrs old.
I had/have no intent to fly my plane in acrobatics. Not a newbie to my plane, I just don’t post often, I’m flying instead. And yes I have received acro instruction for all who recommended the same.
Falling off, dropping the nose too steep, too much speed, not enough roll authority, short coupling, slow gyro rate of change, all good info and somewhat expected. So those who may have tried it anyway, how did it go for you?
One of the early posters may have hit the nail on in the head with the response “if they did, they are not going to talk about it in a public forum.”
Thanks all for posting.