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About N1026F

  • Birthday 01/29/1965

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  1. I'm selling my baby and looking at twins. I've priced it very competitively taking into consideration all factors that make a plane of this tier a great value. See the plane at Controller.com. If you've never flown behind a Victor engine, you'll find it hard to believe that a piston engine can run this smoothly.
  2. I's been a while since I sat for the PPL. Do you get to use the iPad and Foreflight yet?
  3. I purchased my M20J Model before I soloed. I learned to fly in what I wanted to keep flying. It took a little longer but once you learn to land "by the numbers," you'll be fine.
  4. New planes are too expensive unless you have the IRS 179 bonus depreciation in effect and enough of a tax liability to take advantage of the immediate reduction in exposure. Then you have to worry about capital gains when you sell it if it's been depreciated below your selling price. Not a real problem though, capital gains is still less than the ordinary tax rate for that level of income. The real hicky come in the form of sales tax unless you trade through a broker. Then, like cars, you only pay the tax difference between the two planes. Learned it in a "fortune" cookie.
  5. Call Vannette at Dugosh and she'll price one out for you and tell you where to get it.
  6. One of the previous iterations of Mooney specified and approved it with a full set of drawings. But, for some reason ( I suspect not enough profit margin due to aftermarket availability of JPI and the like) it is no longer listed as a "retrofit kit" on the presently-owned website. The design drawings list the MAP and oil transducer part numbers from Omegadyne. It's the exact transducer in the Mooney Factory Retrofit kit part number 94103 approved for the Moritz gauges found on 2000 to 2005 Ovations and Bravos and the drawings indicate a simple rheostat adjustment by pulling the Moritz gauge cluster out towards the cabin and tweeking a screw on the right side of the Moritz box. There are no AD's rescinding the factory retrofit kit as of this message. The Omegadyne mating connector is a different size compared to the factory original KULITE brand that mates up with the Moritz gauges. There is a new attachment to my previous post that has the pin diagram for the Omegadyne mating connector. If you'd like the drawings, see attached.IMG-2.pdf IMG-3.pdf
  7. I just ordered the Omegadyne transducer. Thank You Don and thank you MooneySpace! Saved me from spending over 6 times as much and a thorough cross-examination from my wife (a very good trial lawyer). If you haven't contributed yet to the continued operation of this website, understand that it will save you more than your voluntary contribution.
  8. OmyGodyne!! That's the best news I've heard all day! Got a part number?
  9. FWIW, the engine analyzer should shoe the defective cylinder running much cooler too...
  10. I was just looking at the fuel prices around Texas on ForeFlight and wondering who has seen the lowest prices, where they are, why, and whether anyone is taking advantage of them to get in more hours.
  11. I just called the factory and talked to Shanna in parts. She confirmed what Chris said on the lead time of 275 days but said that if we ordered through an authorized service center (I recommend calling Gemini/Dugosh (830) 315-2222 and talking to Vanette), that she would request expedited processing from Kulite as soon as she heard from Vanette. Shanna said that its possible we could have the parts in three months. I have nothing to lose--my part has been out that long and the other options are not as attractive. UPDATE: Oh $#!+--Vannette just told me Mooney wants over 2000.00 for that part! If you get the same part from Beechcraft its still over $1000.00. Options...options...options. crap.
  12. Three blade props look cool and if engineered correctly, give you quicker takeoffs and climbs. But they're heavier, more expensive and not as fast in cruise. The Ovation actually lost a few knots when they went from two blades to the scimitar 3-blade. I would stick to a two blade on an IO 360; its already the most efficient version of a single engine aircraft. My old 78 M20J had every speed mod available installed by its previous owner, Dave Burden.(Gap seals, wingtip extensions, plexiglass over the light, Lopresti gear door covers, tail fairing where it meets the fuselage, Iridium plugs (He even removed the step!). He left the two blade in place and it had an honest 165 kts in cruise. I never thought it was a big deal until several people who had flown in other J models told me that 165 kts was something special. Sanjeev owns that bird now and flies it out of Las Vegas.
  13. I did exactly as Piloto recommends with the cabin dimming rheostats (turn knobs). Turns out, the OEM did have to make a run of them. I paid for 5 so I now have 4 extra. Any one need a rheostat?
  14. Is that the stainless steel cylinder transducer? I have a 2004 Ovation2 that lists the part from the OEM Mfg named KULITE. I'm having some intermittent problems with the factory gage but I have an 850 that serves the purpose rather well (landings). If the factory is going to take that long and jack up the price, I'm going to the OEM. The site says they are FAA approved components.
  15. The offer of the sale for the 430W is withdrawn. I don't like the available options for the money. The 650 is not enough bang for the buck for an upgrade backup. I'll have a 750/430 combo for a while. But the prices on these units are unreal. I let the loaded 530W go for $7500.00, fair market value 6 months ago--I just saw the prices today--WOW. When I get tired of the two different card types, I'll reconsider selling the 430W. (probably after the prices cool if my stock trading skills hold true.) It's not really punishment to fly... (turn sound down) IMG_0258.MOV
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