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Jimhamilton last won the day on October 13 2013

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    Colorado Springs
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    Jesus, Ministry, Family
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  1. 20 hours M20K, with 20 landings. 800 hours B-777 with 8 landings.
  2. Enjoy that flight, you will always remember it fondly. I remember when I flew my plane from Texas to Utah to get it home. I had to divert into Pueblo because of wind shear and thunderstorms in Colorado Springs. The weather was really bad so I got a hotel for the night. I went down to the bar that evening and had a great big mexican dinner and beer thinking about how great it was to own a plane. The next day the weather was clear and I had smooth sailing all the way to Heber City Utah. Great memory.
  3. Looks like a nice plane to me. I think maybe you had a bad day. Let's forget about it and move on. Blessings to both of you.
  4. Yes, you are right. You can find this service instruction 74 on the Mooney website. Go to Service and Support then click on Service Instructions and then M20K. The service instructions are in numerical order. Look for 74. Looks like a simple fix.
  5. Mooney MX Manual 24-39-05 is where you want to start. The schematics follow a few pages later. So.....there you have it. Good Luck and good hunting for those of us, including myself, that are a little challenged in this area.
  6. I do not have enough info to help you. How many hours TT and what year. The prop strike makes me worry a little. Describe the strike. Not all strikes are the same. Maybe you can post the ad.
  7. So, can you take a pic or describe how you fixed it for the rest of us. Please, this just may come in handy.
  8. OK, I am guessing the repair would be about $1,600.00 US dollars. If I have converted it right. Thanks.
  9. OK, so what is 1.6 AMUs exactly. Shop hours?, Price in gold? Just wondering.
  10. I love your paint and interior. I think you have been blessed with a most excellent Mooney. I also love the panel. It is so clean with everything you need. Perfect.
  11. Thats sad, maybe with a change in leadership things will get better. Regardless, we welcome you to the airlines and thanks for your service.
  12. Yeah that AirTran deal was not great for you. I understand your pain. I have been through two bankruptcies and three mergers but luckily have never been on furlough. Thanks for the 717's we almost have all of them now (I think). I can hold captain about 1/3 from the top however my commuter days are over. Five legs a day is just not for me. On the 777 I only have to commute once to twice a month and never fly more than one leg a day (12 to 14 hour legs mind you). Good luck with your business.
  13. Education at private schools today is absurd, I agree. I also agree that I too have flown with many civilian non Riddle pilots and they were and are very competent. By the way, what is your business and what airline did you leave?
  14. We are already having problems filling seats. What do you know about all the military pilots "jumping ship"?
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