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  1. wow. that is a lot of springs!
  2. We have it removed. I will call Laser and see what they have and get back with you. Thanks again!
  3. It got bent because i attempted to put it together while it was attached to the plane. Needless to say the spring and ball baring were not in the right place when I put it together and when it didn't work i took it apart to find the ball baring in the middle of the spring.
  4. I am trying to push for it to be the first since I am based at the same airport, but I think they are looking at other models than the 65 M20E
  5. You guys did a GREAT job. TruTrak called me last week and said that they are about to do the testing and fitting for the first Mooney. I will keep you updated!
  6. The actuator was leaking so i and my A&P put new gaskets in it, but the spring was bent and now the actuator doesn't work at all. Any idea where to get a new spring or the actuator sent off to have overahauled?
  7. Vision only at this point. However the Sorcerer uses the same servos and would be a quick upgrade once approved.
  8. Go to www.trutrakap.com and request that the Mooney be elected as the next aircraft to get fitted for the autopilot.
  9. If you are interested in seeing the FAA approve the TruTrak autopilot for the vintage Mooney's go to www.trutrakap.com and fill out the survey. The more Mooney owners that fill out the survey the faster we will get it approved. TruTrak wants to see how much interest there is for the Mooney compared to other vintage aircraft.
  10. I am working with the Great Folks at Tru Trak and hopefully by Sun and Fun we will have a Mooney with their autopilot. When people talk about the price of $5k i ask them what is the value of their family's safety. The wait time for a Brittain upgrade is over two years and you give up your plane for a long time for the instillation. I am excited about a two day install and upgrades that are plug and play with the TruTrak. Really looking forward to having a safer aircraft for the long trips.
  11. I am very impressed with TruTrak Autopilots and would love to have one of their systems in the Mooney!
  12. Browncbr is correct. i still want one but the price is too high. I am on the list at Brittian so I guess I will wait.
  13. have you wife call me....!
  14. I will add that to my list!
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