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About davbert

  • Birthday 06/17/1956

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    Belmont, CA
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  1. I've reduced the price to $79,000. PM me for a link to my dropbox account. I have all photos and complete logs posted there.
  2. Asking is $85,000 OBO. trading up for six seats would be considered. 210, Lance, A36. Best, Dave
  3. Here is the contents of the spec sheet. It was too large with the embedded photos to upload. let me know if you're interested. I'll forward photos of the interior and exterior. Hours 2837 Engine 1273 TSO Aircraft flies weekly Annual 3/2013 Based KSQL (San Carlos, CA) owner: Dave Colbert; mobile: 408-835-5622; email: davbert55@yahoo.com Avionics Navcom 1/GPS - Garmin GTN650 WAAS Aspen 1000 Pro GPSS EFIS Navcom 2 - King KX165 Autopilot – KAP150 – 2 axis/alt hold/coupled to Aspen/WAAS approach certified Audio panel – Garmin GMA340 – PTT on both yokes/split com/four seat intercom Transponder – Narco AT165 – Mode C/one button VFR/Press Alt displayed STBY GPS – Garmin 496 – Air gizmo dock/XM weather/XM radio through intercom Traffic alert – ZAON PCAS XRX – displays like TIS on 496 Additional instrumentation JPI EDM700 engine analyzer with fuel flow and data download Standby Attitude – new with Aspen installation Nulite backlighting – all standby steam gauges Davtron MD800 Chronometer Davtron 465 Multifunction display Standby vacuum system Avionics master switch Additional equipment McCauley three blade propeller Precise Flight speed brakes Precise Flight pulse light Lopresti Boom Beam HID landing light Rosen sun visors Sky tech alternator Knisley Exhaust New tires and tubes Recent voltage regulator LED Nav lights Misc Original paint and interior in surprisingly good shape (no accounting for taste in the 70s) All records since new Bruces canopy cover Bruces foil window covers Arctic Air portable air conditioner Bose Plug in noise cancelling headset Seat booster cushion Flap/aileron rig board Landing gear puck replacement tooling Down lock torque adapter Misc spares
  4. I'm looking for a larger aircraft. C210 preferred. Anyone interested in a trade? N201SK has a KAP150 coupled to a GTN650 displayed through an Aspen 1000 Pro EFIS. A&P owned. this aircraft flies 100 plus hours a year. Many extras including tooling and portable airconditioner included. see spec sheet for complete info. Call my mobile for more details and more photos. (I'm in the Pacific time zone for you early risers) 408-835-5622. Dave Colbert
  5. I replaced my oil cooler due to a leak when hot. Other leaks were caused by the pushrod tube seals. Do you have a marked increase in oil consumption?
  6. i have the same thing with a KAP150 in a 201. it has been diagnosed to roll servo feedback voltage. Executive Autopoilot in Sacramento has been spot on with previous pitch isssues with my autopilot. I can't imagine changing autopilots without first driving th problem to a root cause. i expect the repair to be under $1,500. Dave
  7. I have a system available. Did everyone get what they needed?
  8. Just an FYI. ADs are mandatory. Service Bulletins are not, even if they are listed as mandatory. There is no mandatory requriement to report anything to Mooney. That said, there is no good reason not to report your findings as it affects the ability of the OEM to support the fleet if they don't have accurate and complete data. Dave
  9. Here is a down and dirty tach accuracy check. it only works at night. When operating in the presence of hangar or ramp lighting (other than incandescent lighting), the prop will strobe at a multiple of 60 Hz in North America, 50 Hz in Europe. if your prop doesn't strobe at 1200 RPM you should investigate your tach accuracy usnig. Dave
  10. At least one. i am DOM of an aircraft charter company and use my 201 for commuting between bases. Dave
  11. I've upgraded to a JPI monitor. I have a Hoskins FT101 system for sale. It was working great when removed two months ago. System includes the Indicator, transducer, connector, crew manual & wiring diagram. Send me a PM to make an offer. Dave
  12. The pilot who is only looking to knock around for an hour at at time shooting touch and goes or spend an afternoon in search of a good airport restaraunt will be a solid candidate for a club or as a renter. The problem with either of these scenarios was mentioned several times. Availability to suit personal schedule and minimum hourly charges are the bane of clubs and renting. The cost to avoid schedule conflicts and minimums is the cost of ownership. It is extremely pleasing to have my stuff plugged in and ready to go as soon as I have the tiedowns undone and the cover stowed. I could never cost justify the convenience of a taxi-through tie down but it allows me to be off the airport property 10 minutes after shutdown. How could I possibly justify flying my aircraft anywhere that commercial airline service is available? Airline travel is cheaper 99% of the time. Calculating the cost of the acquisition into the overall budget was also touched on. The purchase price of an aircraft is pretty much a pay-me-now or pay-me-later scenario. The cost of an aircraft is based on equipment and maintenance status or history. The only way one aircraft will be less expensive than a similar competitor is that it is deficient in one or both of those categories. By the time the cheaper aircraft is brought to the same level of equipment or condition as the more expensive aircraft the owner often finds his overall equipment investment is more than what it would have cost to buy the more expensive aircraft. The thread is titled "cost per hour to fly?". Take the total life-cycle costs of the aircraft from acquisition through sale and divide by the hours flown. It ain't cheap and is not investment grade use of money.
  13. The pilot who is only looking to knock around for an hour at at time shooting touch and goes or spend an afternoon in search of a good airport restaraunt will be a solid candidate for a club or as a renter. The problem with either of these scenarios was mentioned several times. Availability to suit personal schedule and minimum hourly charges are the bane of clubs and renting. The cost to avoid schedule conflicts and minimums is the cost of ownership. It is extremely pleasing to have my stuff plugged in and ready to go as soon as I have the tiedowns undone and the cover stowed. I could never cost justify the convenience of a taxi-through tie down but it allows me to be off the airport property 10 minutes after shutdown. How could I possibly justify flying my aircraft anywhere that commercial airline service is available? Airline travel is cheaper 99% of the time. Calculating the cost of the acquisition into the overall budget was also touched on. The purchase price of an aircraft is pretty much a pay-me-now or pay-me-later scenario. The cost of an aircraft is based on equipment and maintenance status or history. The only way one aircraft will be less expensive than a similar competitor is that it is deficient in one or both of those categories. By the time the cheaper aircraft is brought to the same level of equipment or condition as the more expensive aircraft the owner often finds his overall equipment investment is more than what it would have cost to buy the more expensive aircraft. The thread is titled "cost per hour to fly?". Take the total life-cycle costs of the aircraft from acquisition through sale and divide by the hours flown. It ain't cheap and is not investment grade use of money.
  14. I'm upgrading my avionics package and want to include an audio panel upgrade from my KMA20. I'd like stereo 4 place intercom with an input for my 496 XM radio or from an iPod. I'm agnostic on Garmin or PS Engineering. I'd like some feedback on your installations, reliability, human interface and product support. Anyone interested in a used KMA20?
  15. I had this happen several months ago. It occurred after I installed a JPI 700. There is a connector behind the panel for the gear switch. I found it loose due to manipulating the wiring behind the panel during the install. Tightening the connector fixed the problem.
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