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    M20K 231

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  1. Hello, Could you please send me a set of ETA covers for all of the lights ( landing, nav, strobe, recog) , primer, master, and avionics master, and one blank cover. Please let me know cost. Thank you! Craig Dow ncdow@protonmail.net
  2. Hello Steve do you know the age of the tank? Is it aluminum or composite. thank you, Craig
  3. My 231 has TurboPlus intercooler, Merlyn automatic wastegate, and GAMIs. For TO, I use full rich and stop advancing throttle at about 34 inches. The turbo will spool up on the roll to about 36 or 37, and RPM will be about 2700. Fuel flow is about 24 gph. At 400 ft, power comes back to 31", prop 2500, mixture back to 15 gph yielding TIT of about 1400 and CHTs generally around 350, never approaching 380 with cowl flaps fully open. I climb that way to cruise altitude. Cruising at any altitude up to FL180, I keep power at 31, set RPM to 2200, lean to 40 LOP, and get fuel flow of about 8.8 - 9.0 gph. TIT is about 1530 and CHTs about 320. I use the 252 power chart and believe these numbers are about 65% power. I have had to occasionally use trailing cowl flaps to keep CHTs down at the higher altitudes. TAS generally ranges between 155 - 170 at 17,000. I don't fly in the flight levels since I don't have an O2 mask. Not the fastest way to fly but a very economical fuel burn, and last engine got 2300 TBO.
  4. Does anyone know of a source for replacement switch covers for M20K rocker switches? The plastic cover on my avionics master switch broke and I hate to replace the whole switch just for that. Thanks.
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