I had a Mooney Rocket for 5 years before selling due to rising costs operating back in 2007, namely 21.5 gph !! I loved the smooth performance of that big turbo Cont. TSIO-520, but it came with added diligence in regards to the power plant. Granted that the Acclaim is a completely different system with 2 turbos, rather than one big Garrett on the Rocket. Anyway, I had the oil changed every 25 hours and went over the exhaust system very carefully every time I had the cowl off. I have never heard of an in flight fire in a Rocket due to an exhaust leak, but I had in other turbos like the Bonanza. I spoke to one Rocket owner that saw his oil pressure gauge wiggle in flight. Fortunately, he took it seriously and made an emergency decent in IMC from 15k to a C class airport below him. He landed ok, but had to shut down the engine on final due to complete oil pressure loss. Made the airport, and saved the engine. Turned out to be an oil seal at the base of the turbo. He never short cut that 5 minutes of cool down again. I guess the moral of his story that stuck with me was, if something doesn't seem right, don't chance it. Get on the ground and figure it out.