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  1. Rockets used to command a premium, not anymore. Now they are being priced about the same as a 231. Is it the economy or Avgas prices?
  2. Student Pilot, Ovation.......... words that make you go hmmm. I'm not saying it couldn't be done, but there are reasons you probably wouldn't want to. I know a guy that got his private in a M20J with no problems. I got my private and Instr. in an Archer.
  3. I had a Mooney Rocket for 5 years before selling due to rising costs operating back in 2007, namely 21.5 gph !! I loved the smooth performance of that big turbo Cont. TSIO-520, but it came with added diligence in regards to the power plant. Granted that the Acclaim is a completely different system with 2 turbos, rather than one big Garrett on the Rocket. Anyway, I had the oil changed every 25 hours and went over the exhaust system very carefully every time I had the cowl off. I have never heard of an in flight fire in a Rocket due to an exhaust leak, but I had in other turbos like the Bonanza. I spoke to one Rocket owner that saw his oil pressure gauge wiggle in flight. Fortunately, he took it seriously and made an emergency decent in IMC from 15k to a C class airport below him. He landed ok, but had to shut down the engine on final due to complete oil pressure loss. Made the airport, and saved the engine. Turned out to be an oil seal at the base of the turbo. He never short cut that 5 minutes of cool down again. I guess the moral of his story that stuck with me was, if something doesn't seem right, don't chance it. Get on the ground and figure it out.
  4. oops double hit the button.
  5. Quote: GeorgePerry I couldn't agree more! If it's true the major cost driver to producing Mooney airframes are the manhours required to make the parts, then it makes perfect sense to spec the parts out to an overseas supplier. Why fight the rediculously low labor costs that other countries enjoy. When Mooney gets back into the plane building business, they should take advantage of this. I know it sounds like a pipe-dream but if Mooney could make a bare bones, $200K-250K M20 J 201 they wouldn't be able to assembly them fast enough.
  6. Quote: JimR
  7. Quote: tony We are witnessing the decline of America. It’s never going to be like it was.
  8. It is sad to think about losing American Icon names such as Mooney to the Chinese, but it's a global world out there, and better we trade products than bullets I suppose. I don't want to ruffle any feathers, but we are in a bit of a pinch here in the US. We are going to have to start producing things again, and rewarding capital investment rather than punishing it. We cannot tax and spend our way to prosperity. I think somebody once said " Democracy is great...until people realize they can vote themselves the national treasury, then it all goes to hell". We that about sums up our predicament from top to bottom and I don't see it ending nicely, but hopefully I am wrong.
  9. Hello Everyone, I have been lurking for a couple of days and figured I would join in the fun. I am thinking strongly about getting back in the market for another Mooney. It's been 3 years since I sold my last bird and I miss flying too much to stay out any longer. I can't stand flying commercial !!! In fact I hate it...not so much the flying part, just the miserable experience getting on the plane. Anyway, I've got about 700 hrs in Mooneys. My first was a nice 65 M20C model that was well equipped but lacked get up and go. Carb heat was a drag. Then I got a Rocket.... now we are talking, but after about 6 years of owning her, flying less and less every year, and watching fuel prices climb, I decided to let her go. Now me and a couple of friends will split the fixed costs and that should help a lot. Don't know what it'll be yet, probably a J, but maybe a K.
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