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  1. M20TN. But shouldn’t all the 2000 and newer be chromated? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Are the newer Acclaims all anti corrosion proofed internally?
  3. How big ferry tank did the Ovation have? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. I would need the 60 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. That is what I need! The ferry tank. This acclaim has the 102 gallon capacity Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Plane in Asia and needs to come to SoCal. Wow you brought yours from Europe! Cool ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Anyone ever used a Ferry Tank to transport a Bravo or Acclaim over great distances? Lookin for one even tho the plane has 105 gallon tank.
  8. Yes thank you ! It’s all working 100%
  9. Changed it to altimeter, thank you
  10. Does someone have an installation manual to share? Making sure the flight director talking to my KAS297b thank you
  11. Thanks again buddy !!!
  12. It’s a separate manual. I have the KFC150 manual. My AMP broke 16 pin on my Sandel HSI and my avionics technician rewired them and my altitude preselect doesn’t capture and kept shutting off. It was perfect before.
  13. Does someone have an installation manual for the KAS297B that they can share?
  14. I called today and the whole interior was already sold including the glare shield that I wanted.
  15. The engine had a prop strike approximately 300 hours before the incident and was removed, taken apart, and inspected.
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