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Posts posted by Sabremech

  1. 1 hour ago, jetdriven said:

    What issues are occurring engines with Camguard that he can tell? I’m just curious. It’s just an anti-corrosion additive.  But as far as actually causing problems, I can’t understand that. Like the last cylinder shop, I went to the guy had a big old pile of cylinders, and he said Lena peak ruins engines, and I said which cylinders did those which engines do those cylinders come off of, and he said 0470’s and O320’s. which are all carbureted and don’t run lean of  peak and I said well that’s a pretty big pile there isn’t it?

    I also don’t put a ton of stock in operation advice from people who aren’t operators.


    Can you explain why you value an operators opinion much more than a shop that sees thousands of these parts? I find that mindset baffling?


  2. On 9/29/2023 at 8:03 PM, hammdo said:

    Well , got some ugh, ‘great’ news:

    Saved $1k on insurance for the year but hanger rent went up $1200 a year ($100 a month)…

    can’t catch a break…

    oh well…


    I hate to say it again Don, but just another reason I’m out of owning and flying airplanes. Glad 52W is in good hands though. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, GeeBee said:

    I'm still wondering how the EAA can allow anyone to be a part of the fly-in let alone a vendor and not have liability insurance. If that is the case, count me out, forever until it changes.


    How do you check and verify the insurance on 10000 airplanes? I work the insurance side for EAA for the Warbirds and we have to verify they have insurance, that it’s current, and has verbiage that states on the COI, Airshow flybys, formation flight and static display approved. I deal with about 250 airplanes that say they’re flying in the show and it’s absolutely nuts the first four days. I don’t know how the ultralights work or EAA main show for that matter. I have too much on my hands with just the warbirds. 

  4. 5 hours ago, Danb said:

    The administration should consider setting up a section for comments both good and bad regarding our planes. Obviously it becomes a safety issue in deciding who/where to bring our planes for maintenance. Clarence is our best source for information and keeping us informed on many factors.

    Posts should be taken down when they appear to be overly nasty. There should be a good way to provide us with valuable information.

    This can only be considered if you can get both sides of the story. In many cases, we only hear one side and because this is primarily a pilot/owner populated forum,  we get mostly this side. Hearing only one side can damage a mechanics business without them even knowing it. Also, some pilots have that champagne want list but only willing to pay for beer level unless it’s their Porsche or Mercedes, then the wallet is open without question. 

    • Like 2
  5. 23 minutes ago, natdm said:

    @EricJ I just left a bad review on google, told any of my local friends about it, and that's about all I'll do. I also told Savvy which got them blacklisted. Sent pictures and all. Guess that's about the norm, sounds like. 

    Too bad we mechanics can’t leave a bad review for cheap owners and pilots. 

    • Like 6
  6. 21 hours ago, 65MooneyPilot said:

    I have a question about step 14 where it says to remove AN7H-17A and run a magnet inside the tube. The parts manual in figure 2 index 2 says that bolt is an AN7H-16A. Somehow it has turned into a -17A bolt. Also is the nut/ thread for that bolt inside the tube? If so, is it possible the thread is corroded and has this been a problem during this inspection? Thanks

    Good morning,

    I can’t explain the discrepancy with the bolt P/N without some research into the documentation including service bulletins which could have changed the P/N from what’s shown in the IPC. As for the threads, they are a threaded insert that is welded into the tubing. The point of the magnet being inserted through the opening and past the threads is to see if there is corrosion inside the tubing. From the ones I’ve done, you will pull out light fuzz on the magnet. If you pull out heavy chunks or more than light fuzz, you have a problem with the tubing. I’ve gone so far as to borescope the tubing through both bolt holes to see if there’s heavy pitting which would also be bad. As for the threads, if the bolt torques to spec, the threads are good as you typically won’t see them corroded due to anti seize being applied to the threads of the bolt before installation. Hope this answers your questions.


    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Igor_U said:

    Question for the IA on this list:

    I ordered copies of my airplanes records on a CD (FAA sent them in a couple of days for a $10.00 fee) and noticed a few latest 337s were missing from a CD. Is FAA still requesting from IA 337s for their record? Are those mailed to local FSDO or OKC?

    I would like to know more before talking to IA who created those and see what we should do about it.

    Thank you.

    A copy of the 337 gets sent to OKC. If you have copies of them, make another copy and send it in. You can google the address that they get sent to. 

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  8. 21 hours ago, ArtVandelay said:

    The problem with the J is there’s 4 versions: with and without ram air, with and without landing light.

    I know of the with and without Ram Air. Mine will  not have Ram Air. Was not aware of the no landing light. I don’t see that in the J IPC. I see two P/N of cowlings and the main difference being a larger oil service door on the last few years of the J. 


  9. 12 minutes ago, MooneyJohn said:

    I would like to hear about any updates, also.

    The third cowling is getting ready for the mold to be made. This will be a cowling for the E, F and a PMA for the J. Baffling is being drawn to cut out multiple sets. Air induction parts are manufactured and waiting for the rest of the parts to be drawn and cut. I will have 10 new air induction boxes for E and F models. 

    Moving forward slowly but parts are being manufactured and drawings made for the PMA and STC process. 


    • Like 5
  10. On 5/14/2023 at 10:46 AM, davesly said:

    Thanks for the offer.  Unfortunately, I don't have any baffles at all to use as a template.  I purchased a 1969 Mooney M20F without an engine.  All I have to go by are the picture of the baffle system in the parts guide.  

    Lasar did get back to me and said that they had the front Right and both rear-side baffles in stock.  The two front-side baffles are in their system but are out of stock.  They don't have the front left, or either of the rear baffles in their system.


    I have F model baffling except for the front of the cylinders that is excess for my needs. It’s available if you need a good start. Appears to be in fairly decent shape.



    • Like 1
  11. 57 minutes ago, Pinecone said:

    Not trying reopen the can, but the case of the down locks, the company that made them, sent them out with the drawing, not getting a signed or updated drawing from each owner.  SMALL detail, but does not meet the letter of the law.  McFarland sends a drawing, that the owner adds the lengths or has the owner send the old one to be be duplicated.

    So for the pucks, XYZ cannot make them and market them as meeting the requirements and sending out the drawings.  They could say they make pucks, send your specs and we will tell you if ours meet those specs.  The specs could be available online, like here on MS.  I send those specs, they say they meet them and sell them to me.

    The other way the owner can "participate" is to do QC/QA on the part.   Which seems was done on the downlocks, but that was not clear to the FAA.  Maker sends part, says we made what we think you asked for, you need to confirm it is correct.

    You don’t know all the facts in regards to the downlock blocks. Please stop acting as you do. The friendly aviation administration has not replied to my response and subsequent questions to them challenging their assertions from June of last year. I don’t know where this stands with them, but do know that I’m disputing their claims. If and when this is resolved, I’ll be happy to give you all the details so you can be informed instead of posting your personal opinion. I don’t mean to be rude, but these comments are irritating when I and a few others know the facts. 

    • Like 7
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  12. On 4/15/2023 at 9:14 AM, RoundTwo said:

    The motorcycle forum I used to visit had a great tool loan “program” for those once in a blue moon tools like drivetrain alignment tools. Something like that would be very helpful to me right now.

    I need to crimp some of the TE solid barrel contacts and can’t get over the $800 price for the TE 58541-1 crimper. Does anyone have a pair they’d be willing to rent? I’ll pay postage both ways and would be willing to make a donation to your gas fund.


    It appears that I don’t have this specific tool. 


  13. 4 minutes ago, RoundTwo said:

    The motorcycle forum I used to visit had a great tool loan “program” for those once in a blue moon tools like drivetrain alignment tools. Something like that would be very helpful to me right now.

    I need to crimp some of the TE solid barrel contacts and can’t get over the $800 price for the TE 58541-1 crimper. Does anyone have a pair they’d be willing to rent? I’ll pay postage both ways and would be willing to make a donation to your gas fund.


    I may have the crimpers you’re looking for. Let me confirm and if I do, I’d be willing to rent them. 


  14. 5 hours ago, Denis Mexted said:

    The red dot I believe is telling me to put it abeam the tube valve. 

    What are all the silver dots telling me?

    Progress has slowed a bit. Particularly on the gear. I'm waiting on bits from the States. I don't want to paint until I can colour match with the new nose gear truss. 



    I believe the white dots signify that it is a tubed tire where green dots signify it is tubeless. 

    • Thanks 1
  15. On 3/26/2023 at 9:49 PM, Steven B said:

    81 m20K, 231. I’m the owner and NOT an A/P. Plane has been down for over 4 months(including avionics upgrades). All avionics, maintenance and annual completed.  Jack screw was badly gummed up. Now all appears cleaNed up and ready but the mechanic can’t locate rigging boards and isn’t comfortable adjusting it without them. Meanwhile my plane sits, but all payments continue. It’s at KTRM(thermal), Southern California. anyone have boards I could buy/rent or someone willing to travel to get the plane operational. I would really appreciate any constructive advice. Thank you in advance. 

    Did you find a solution and get your bird back airborne?


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