I've owned an Acclaim S for about 18 month, and I've been flying turbocharged for thirty years. Here's what I have gleaned:
First, in the Cessna 340 with Continentals we always flew ROP. Didn't help; the airplane was always a maintenance hog. (But I loved it anyway.) In the originalMalibus with Continental, we started flying LOP, and we never had a problem with that airplane. That was with only a TIT gauge. No individual cylinder EGT or CHT gauges. In the Acclaim, I have flown ROP and LOP, and I agree with a previous writer who observed that the difference in fuel consumption could not be justified by speed difference. As far as what the engine likes, I notice that in the summer at 12,000 feet the cylinder heads will get up in that 380-90 range at 29" and 2500 RPM (and that is at 100 ROP--I think 50ROP is crazy), but you will take 20-30 degrees right off the CHT when you go lean of peak. Also, the cylinders seem very well balanced in my airplane, which is to say that when I go 50 LOP on the TIT gauge, each cylinder is at least 30+ cooler on the individual EGTs. So I know that I am LOP on every cylinder. That was always one of the big bugaboos years ago, that when LOP one or more cylinders would be at or near peak. Try this in your airplane and see.
Bottom line on the LOP question is that the book calls for it, Contiental calls for it, all CHTs and EGTs show engine cooler, and my most recent annual (last week) was a clean engine with good compressions. (Note: one cylinder replaced a year ago under warranty for bad compression.) Engine now has about 525 hours.
The prior owner always flew the airplane at 26" and 2500 RPM LOP. The flight instructor at Willmar who did my checkout was a big believer in that too, though others in Willmar prefer 27" and 2400 RPM LOP. I detect no difference except noise. My instructor also preached that for high speed cruise to run 29"/2500 ROP as it was only a couple of knots slower than 30.5" and that 30.5 was hotter. Heat bad.
Recently, I have taken to flying at 29" 2500 RPM and LOP. As I said, cool and airplane seems to like it.
Finally, a word of caution. Watch the exhaust transitions into the turbos. They have a propensity to crack. Should be carefully inspected at each oil change. My airplane had one crack when relatively new, and again in the last year. I posted the story and pictures on this forum--search my name and you'll find it.
I think you can pull off two inches per minute in descent. I do, and (touch wood) no issues yet. That's what we did for years in the 340 too. And the Mojave (though little could hurt those big bad Lycs).
Best luck. Fly safe. Don't trust the speedbrakes--they fail just when you going to impress the Citation driver on the parallel approach.