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Everything posted by bjmacdonald

  1. Eldeano is your plug in the front under the battery?
  2. So what your saying i can call Mooney and ask for the drawings if available for a 63C external power recep. and if it was ever installed they will provide drawing and part numbers. If not i have to make up the drawings and submit to FSDO for a 337 install.
  3. I was wondering if some one could shed some light when external power recepticals were added to Mooneys, was it after the battery was moved to the back or was it avail before that. I would love to install one and my AP says if it was avail on my model we can get the parts and it only a log book entry.
  4. One word of input here i mounted my landing light with the filiment vert and that moves the reflector in the wrong spot the beam ends up vertical also not horizontal,.....not alot of light that way at a dark airport.
  5. One word of input here i mounted my landing light with the filiment vert and that moves the reflector in the wrong spot the beam ends up vertical also not horizontal,.....not alot of light that way at a dark airport.
  6. I too have had a few cracks in the fire wall of my C model down around the bottom of the foot wells. they were stop drilled and patched i was told that this is a common issue on early mooneys from a very well respected IA.
  7. George i run Midgets part time and my bussiness taking care of gentlemen with expensive toys, i just returned from sebring fla running a retired cup car, you cannot substitute a v8 and big slicks for anything too much fun!!!
  8. Dear crash n burn, Mr Perry was hammered pretty hard over this topic his ego is a little bruised he needs a little time to heal. Be kind to him for now.
  9. George thanks for the appology, I think we all get the point of the subject. As for my sentence structure im not a english major and im just to lazy some times.
  10. Did you guys even read my post or just make smart remarks ....I did say you probably would get ice in the induction what i was laughing about was the posibility of hydrolocking a engine its basic physics but obviously you guys are much smarter than I .
  11. This is one of the most bizzare posts ive seen in a while...It is very likely you could ice up or injest enough water flying in a monsoon to put out the fire in the cylinders, If you look at the shear size of one cylinder and figure that the water will not all go to one it is spread out you would have to fly through a water fall or skim along the ocean to ingest enough to hydrolock a cylinder on a airplane.
  12. Well all i know is Mr Mooney is rolling over in his grave !!!!!
  13. Im all for the capitolist society but when you look at what the CEOs and other heads of companies feel that they should be taking home for salaries how long can a company survive with such big draw on the profits its been a constant problem that has killed alot of bussiness
  14. I to have a 63c model that i have been toying with a windsheild and some other speed mods. I agree that the prices of 201s are cheaper than ever but to sell a early c is also bottom dollar so there really is no advantage to selling it your gonna spend alot either way just my 2 cents.
  15. I to would be interested in pictures im also trying to install a stec30 in my m20c thanks BJ
  16. I had around 45 hrs i had enough of rentals and wanted a airplane i would keep and enjoy, i was afraid of buying a Piper or Cessna and after a few months being frustrated that i doesnt go anywere so i bought mine and finished up my ticket and started my instrument that was 150 hours ago and 1 trip to Minnesota and Florida its the best choice i ever made!! 63 M20c Lady Virginia
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