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  1. Did you notice any issues with your compass due to the magnets in the iPad 2? I have one but have not made it to the plane yet.
  2. Is there a site that compares the various models through the years?
  3. I live in East Tennessee. Going to the beach I have to overfly the Smoky Mountains, but that is only at 11000 or 12000.
  4. Thank you for the responses. Keep them coming. Are you all telling me that I can get 155 kts+ on 10 gph? You can get 160-165 in a A36 on 12.5. It is interesting that you say the operating costs are a lot more on the Bonanza. Not counting cost of capital, I believe that I can operate a mid 1970's A36 on about $180/hour. What are we looking at on a per hour basis for the Mooney?
  5. Thanks Jolie. Looking forward to advice from all here. A little more info about me. I am looking at a partnership with 2 other pilots. We have similar size families. I have been leaning toward A36s due to the barn doors and a desire for more payload. However, one of the potential partners has brought up Mooneys so I am back to figuring out if I can make it work. It may be that I have to find something that does 95% of my missions and forgo the last 5%.
  6. I have posted here before, but I have been focusing on a Bonanza for a while so I have forgotten most of what you all have shared. I apologize. My missions are as follows: 1) Family trips: up to 500 nm; wife and me (310 lbs total); kids (80 total) - 75% 2) Me and guys: up to 200 nm - I have big friends. It could be a total of 800 lbs of people if I took 4 - 20% 3) Me and guys: up to 400 nm - 5% Can I do missions 2 and 3 in a Mooney? If so, which one? Budget is up to $150K. Thanks
  7. If either of you were in Knoxville, TN, I would be all over it.
  8. Why can't something like this come up in my area. Good luck to you.
  9. Inexpensive but effective moving map portable GPS. Includes iFly unit used 5 times, battery pack and Ram Yoke Mount modified to fit iFly. $500 or best offer plus shipping. For more information, visit ifly.adventurepilot.com
  10. Love my Halos. Need to buy the wife a pair.
  11. I got my PPL in May. Since then I have flown mostly XC and have done an 8 lesson aerobatics course. I need to go back and do 1 more lesson to get the tailwheen endorsement. Apparently 8 landings is not enough. My plan is to start IR training later this month in a rental Turbo Arrow III. This will be more expensive than doing it in a 172, but I will get my IR and conplex sign off and will then be able to rent the Arrow. It is not where I intend to end up, but it is better than a 172. More importantly, the complex time will reduce the insurance required transition time and should decrease my initial premium. I am lucky in that this is not a flight school, more like a club. Less than 10 people fly the plane. Less than 5 fly it with any regularity and that is still infrequent. This will suit my needs until I want to take on the expense of ownership.
  12. Does anyone know where I can find a document that has model change information by year. In an effort to narrow my search, I would like to be able to see what change were made during each year of production, what changes were made, what options added, etc. Just trying to answer the inevitable question, which model is right for me. Thanks
  13. Thanks Anthony. I am glad to hear that the family of 4 fits the Mooney. I will have to check out the R's and dream.
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