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Everything posted by skyking1

  1. Does anyone have any experience on installing the new 406 elt in the ovation or eagle.
  2. Thanks for the help!
  3. I agree. I want to hook it to my 496 but does it block your visibility from the front windshield?
  4. Does anyone have any experience with the zaon xrx in an ovation or eagle. It seems as if it may take up too much space for visibility. Also any thoughts on hooking it up to a 496? Thanks
  5. send a picture of your "new" airplane! a new paint job will be a someday for me!
  6. I was referring to 11000 ft as that seems the best so far without oxy. The stec 55 was added as well as a 530 waas before I had the airplane. My cht seem to run about 380 or less at cruise and I also do 25 squared on climb but also climb at 140 which seems to keep things cool. Max fuel is 95 filled to the top. Do you like the gem 610? I have a jpi 700. I sure love the speed and comfort as I'am 6'4" and have plenty of room.
  7. I agree on all your points. I also looked at an ovation until I found out about the stc and the screaming eagle. I have had mine for a year and a half. I added an aspen with a flight director . It already had a stec 55. The performance speed and price are great! Have you put in the new elt? Looks like on mine we have to put the att in the dorsal fin. Also what power setting are you using at 110. Thanks
  8. How do you like your screaming eagle?
  9. Thanks I appreciate the help!
  10. Anyone have any experience on bat chargers ? Mike Busch recommends a BatteryMinder from vdc Electronics Model 24041-aa-s2 4 amp charger for 24 volt Batteries.
  11. The loose bolts were after they had signed off the airplane as airworthy. The main bolt that is horizontal on the nose gear and bolts on the gear tubes that had also been bent were loose. The service center said he was glad I had it checked as it would have come loose later. The stops were broken as well as the tubes dented. A large tug was used with a long tow bar exerting a long arm and equal force.
  12. I left my eagle overnight at PHF with instructions on how to tow the airplane. I was informed that they knew all about Mooneys as they had one on the field for nine years . I showed them the red tow lines etc. I returned in two days to fly and found the gear horn and a gear unsafe light on! Atlantic aviation was the fbo and have treated me worse than you can imagine! They called out two mechs who were supposed to know mooneys. Four days latter I was accused of having brought the airplane in with prior damage and I would have to pay for any costs. I have gotten the airplane out of there and have taken it to a Mooney service center in fll who found two loose bolts that could have caused a gear up later. I have since purchased a do not tow banner and will pull the airplane myself from now on! This story has a lot more detail but has anyone had a similar experience?
  13. Just sent my oil cooler with a crack to pacific oil cooler. Anyone have oil cooler problems? Just over 1100 hrs on an eagle
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