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mooneyflyer last won the day on December 11 2012

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  1. Want to buy Ovation Wing Fuel Gauge. Anyone have one or point me to a source? Thanks
  2. Mooney Safety Foundation "Pilot Proficiency Program". The best way to be the best Mooniac you can be.
  3. My right wing fuel gauge is inop. It shows 10-13 gals when full. Is there something I can check? And if I need to replace, where could I source a replacement? Thanks in advance
  4. Any suggestions for an iPhone Yoke Mount?
  5. For years I thought one cannot slip a long body with full flaps. But somebody challenged they and now I can’t find anything on this. Does anyone know about this? Could not find in my POH
  6. Is this something that a pilot can install?
  7. This is for a friend: Our G 1000 panels are starting to get sticky buttons on them - meaning we have to press them several times to get them to work. Looking for replacement or preferably an upgrade. Please provide your thoughts or advice.
  8. It's ironic that RHV is the first to offer 100UL while at the same time will be closing in a few years.
  9. Any paint shop recommendation for near Daytona Beach? Thanks in Advance
  10. I have no idea what to insure my 1999 M20S for? I don’t really know what it would sell for? What are the pros/cons if I under and if I over insure the hull?
  11. I started looking into a new engine for my Eagle. I have an IO550G. My POH says IO550G. But my TCDS indicates IO550G6. But according to Air Power, Continental no longer makes the G6. What are my options?
  12. I thought there wasn't any "active" at an uncontrolled field, only "runway in use"
  13. Actually there were 20 planes. 3 parked in the wrong ramp and 1 came in. TTXsince their Mooney broke
  14. There have been a few cancellations. Registration is OPEN. Loads of fun. FREE food
  15. Registration is OPEN
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