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Wires Computing

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    Phantom 4

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  1. I would love for that, I'll look into it.
  2. We see the stratus 2 and stratus 3 units suffer the same problem with the usb port being damaged and needing to be repaired or replaced. Luckily it's an easy fix for us. Repair is a great option to keep the unit for much longer and not have to purchase a new unit.
  3. This type of issue is almost always just related to a bad battery which for us in an easy fix to replace. We do about 15-20/month.
  4. We see the stratus 2 and stratus 3 units suffer the same problem with the usb port being damaged and needing to be repaired or replaced. Luckily it's an easy fix for us. Repair is a great option to keep the unit for much longer and not have to pay thousands more for any other unit that does the same.
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