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  1. " No agenda, no argument, no bias, No Comment. " - accredited to EuroNews
  2. Subscribed. Cant wait to hear the rest of OP's story with the new parts.
  3. Well, its official now.... I did not have enough good behavior last year for Santa to bring me the FlightStream 210. I think I might try to develop a few experiments with loading flight plans or portions of flight plans using FlightPlan Migrator and the USB Aviation Data Card Programmer. It probably wont yield quick results, and if I have a certain level of success I will let you know what works. Thanks for discussing it with me. Cheers!
  4. Strong point. The chip would even have the filed route to begin with. It apparently seems possible with FlightStream 210 - found this which seems to be the button sequence. Garmin Connectivity and Flight Plan Transfer
  5. Good day, Ive been searching around on-and-off for the last several months to see if there is a crack in the Garmin armor to load flight plans that originate from your desktop/tablet. The best idea I can find is perhaps using FlightPlan Migrator and the USB Aviation Data Card Programmer to preload and transfer flight plans to GNS430W. Garmin FlightPlan Migrator I have also looked at the idea of FltPlan Go except that seems to require FlightStream 210 hardware. And that idea seems great, but Im not so sure of the overall value. My best MS search comes up with this, Garmin 430w obstacle/terrain update... not trivial , which seems to focus primarily on DAFIF database transfer. I have a 'limited' avionics package with no wifi/ BT connectivity at the moment - just GNS430W. WingX7 and FltPlan Go are on my tablet. Ive already learned alot of general Mooney knowledge from searching and reading the forums, thanks. This is my first Thread start. In summary, Id like to ask your thoughts and experience that originates a flight plan on the desktop that can be loaded in GNS430W using the Garmin's data card slot. I have access to a USB ADCP. Cheers! Lumberg, M20F
  6. I dont suppose Im good at reading either. I just saved it for the pictures....not the articles (hehe). Following. Cheers!
  7. @eman1200, have you discovered this yet? See page 190 (PDF page 176). Cheers! https://mooneyspace.com/files/file/176-m20-series-parts-catalog-1968-1978-2pdf
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