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  1. Hey guys! Anyone interested in a FLY-in lunch at Grand Prairie? It would be fun to meet some local Tx Mooniacs. What do you guys think? Chris
  2. Thank you very much, guys! The flight home to Texas was uneventful and RJ performed very well. Very smooth engine, all the avionics are working. Performance was great. Whenever you see us somewhere (and we will be out and about a lot in Texas!), come on over and say hello! Maybe we can organise a Mooney breakfast or lunch sometime in Grand Prairie or Lancaster. That’d be nice.
  3. Howdy, fellow Mooniacs! After searching for about 1.5 years we have found our dram airplane. My wife and I will bring RJ back to The Great State of Texas from Indiana today. We’ll leave her at AFW for a few days before moving her to her permanent home in Corsicana, Tx. RJ has spent the last 18 years of its life in Marfa,Tx. We’re glad to able to return her home to Texas. I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. I hope to meet some of y’all out there. Have a great weekend Chris
  4. Howdy, y‘all. We worked with Jeff Schnabel, and everything went great. Ended up buying our dream Mooney. Thank y‘all for the help!
  5. Howdy Randy, howdy CptCloud! Nice looking Mooney’s, boys! Congrats. Do you guys ever get together for lunch at airports like Lancaster, Redbird, Grand Prairie, etc?
  6. Awesome and very iconic paint job. Looks great.
  7. Thank you for the feedback, guys! Much appreciated. I’ll reach out to Chad and Jeff. @bigmo can you put me in touch with the gentleman in STL? @PeterRus and @catchman86 thank you very much for your input as well. update: I just talked to Jeff and he’ll do the pre buy. Thank you again for your responses, Mooniacs! Let’s see how this plays out.
  8. Howdy, I’m currently looking into buying a 20J that is based in Indianapolis. I’ve tried to find a Mooney Service Center near by, but apparently the closest one is in Illinois. Any recommendations for a good shop or A&P in the area? Thanks! Chris
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