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Everything posted by NickG

  1. Right! Calls to Jimmy Garrison and Thunderbird on the list! Went to walk the dogs at KHND today and seems like my wife only has eyes for Mooneys.
  2. I thank everyone for their input (keep it coming)… I’ve now got a couple real world WB and performance profiles. So it looks like it will work for me - yes, there will be some compromises, but all GA planes come with those. I had a Cherokee 235 which I sold last year. It was too slow, not comfortable and here in the desert SW, the high DA’s were problematic over the summer. My wife suggested we get a bigger plane (yes, she’s a keeper) so we started looking at Saratoga Turbos. I had a couple in prebuy, neither one panned out. So we started looking at other possibilities and she fell in love with Mooneys along the way….. She like Bonanzas as well but I’m not crazy about the yoke system and they’re quite pricey compared to a Toga or Mooney.
  3. Thanks for your kind offer. I have sent you an email.
  4. Yes, I’ve ruled out a 210 as too cramped up front. Also they are notorious for high maintenance.
  5. This is very helpful. Any chance you could share your WB profile with me?
  6. My bladder and circulation make it impossible for me to do a non stop from HND to CXO anyhow. Would make one stop on the way. Yes, Togas are spacious and large but in a year or two when my son goes off to school or whatever his next move is, It'll be me and the wife flying around in very large 6 seat Toga burning 21 GPH. Not sure that makes sense.
  7. Realistically, I'll almost never be flying with myself , my son, wife and the dogs. Maybe the 3 humans for a $100 hamburger an hour away e few times a year - and then my son will go off to college and it's basically just me, wife and dogs.
  8. Where better place to come than a Mooney board for advice! I've been in and out of Escrow on a couple of Saratoga Turbos - and a friend suggested I seriously consider a M20M Bravo. My mission: Lots of XC from HND (Las Vegas Area) to destinations Conroe, TX, Denver, Portland and LA. My concern is physical space in the aircraft, useful load and CG issues. I'm a fairly large guy, 6ft, 270lbs. My wife is small 5'3" 135 and we have 2 dogs (1 small, one large, total weight 85lbs). I also have a 15 yo son who is 6'3" 215Lbs who might fly with me/us occasionally There are some lovely M20M Bravos out there, and from what I can ascertain, useful loads are in the 900-1000lb range, so obviously the 3 of us and dogs plus fuel would be a challenge lol. Are the back seats functional in terms of leg space the long body Mooneys? Does anyone have a WB balance spreadsheet I can take a look at? What is your real world experience in loading these aircraft? The performance is second to none and aesthetically they're beautiful aircraft. I ruled out a Bonanza as the cabin is as narrow as a Piper Cherokee. I believe the Mooney cabin width is 43.5" which is 1.5" wider than a Bonanza but 5" narrower than a Saratoga. Any advice would be really appreciated. Thanks!
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