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NickG last won the day on September 11

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  1. I'm definitely going to make fire/smoke ID a part of my preflight planning, especially when flying in and out of California. The final leg of my flight will be Saturday when my friend will fly me down to KIFP to pick up the beloved O so I can fly it home to HND and a WASH (lol).
  2. Yes. Agree. I didn't have the full picture of how large the fire was.
  3. Thanks - I consider myself a careful planner and quite conservative. This was my first foray into something this big. In retrospect, I also think I was suffering a small dose of get there itis combined with concern about the howling winds throughout Las Vegas on my arrival (which didn't happen due to the diversion). I've been told by another pilot that flew the area that the smoke tops were at 22k. and I would have had to make a multi hour detour to fly around it. I probably should have just kept the plane at Hawthorne and hopped on a Southwest to get home. Come back a couple days later and pick up the O. Luckily, nothing other than a dry throat and a dirty plane to serve as a reminder (although my buddy will fly me back to IFP on Saturday to pick up the plane). The outcome could definitely have been worse.
  4. I spoke with my A&P today. He said that wildfire ash is generally not abrasive (a la volcanic ash). He said occasional flight through this will not cause any damage. However, he said I should blow out the induction air filter. Now I've got to figure out how to do that!
  5. By the time I asked, the shortest route out was the one I was on. I had no idea the smoke area was that large or that high. I need to go back and see what I missed on the Leidos brief. As I mentioned, there had to be a better way to fly it than what I ended up doing. I may need to go back and re-examine how I look at weather briefs. I'm usually overly conservative, but this was a mistake. Luckily made it through ok. Plane will be ok (I'll need to clean out induction air filter).
  6. Honestly, in retrospect, I should have diverted sooner. By the time I asked for a higher altitude, I would have been out of it before reaching the top. Probably not my finest example of ADM.
  7. Flew IFR back to Vegas yesterday from Hawthorne. Route took me right through the smoke from the fires. Zero vis and thick smoke for nearly an hour. Finally cleared around GOFS, but but my head was pounding (despite being on O2) and I started feeling bad. Diverted to KIFP. Pictures speak for themselves. Plane covered in ash. Wife had to drive 1 1/2 hrs to pick me up. Luckily, a friend will fly me back to IFP on Saturday to pick up the O.
  8. Yup. I’m in an open tie down at HND. 6 year wait for a shade hangar, I’m a couple of years in. They need to build more but they won’t because all of that juicy Fed coin is going into an FBO update and other amenities designed to please the Bizjet crowd. They won’t even put a restroom by the south ramp for the GA tenants. Have to walk nearly a mile to the FBO or use a small toilet by the hangars (still not close) that has been out of order for a month. BTW, I’m the AOPA volunteer at HND so I am planning on making management’s life a little more uncomfortable…
  9. I fly out of Las Vegas. The heat is insufferable. I plan as many XC as possible because local flying is awful. Heat, bad turbulence and loads of pop up thunderstorms and then howling winds. On the other hand, my Ovation loves me because of the long XC’s (two trip to Texas, and back in the last 3 weeks). Despite the heat, I’ve managed to rack up nearly 90 hours since I bought the Ovation end of May. I wish I could get a hangar but that’s not really realistic at Henderson. I fly quite a bit to LA and back (1hr 20 or so each way) and the Southern Cal weather is spectacular for flying when compared to Vegas. However, I lived in SoCal for 30+ years and the cost and traffic is a compelling reason not to move back!
  10. Wow,, thanks for the advice. It seems easy. How would I account for the removal of a front seat on the WB calcs….
  11. Does anyone know how easy or hard it is to remove the front right seat in the Ovation? I want to try a configuration with the right seat removed then my wife and dogs could sit in the back for long trips.
  12. I've always heard that Florida has the most GA?
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