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NickG last won the day on September 11 2024

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About NickG

  • Birthday March 2

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  1. I was wondering if there were any pireps on the Hubba Hubba Cap? https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/lgpages/hubbahubba06-02572.php?fbclid=IwY2xjawI1pypleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZowpRD6W7bRcplPFxwCFOAPjonAZd1HhKtQMUe8Wny9BGrZoKEFw2ablQ_aem_nOEEg6GpTbOV4MQlinNIdw
  2. Thanks! That's really got a wide operational range! 173KTAS for 2300/19 between 10.5-11.5 all the way up to 19 GPH and 218 KTAS..... fantastic.
  3. Jeff, I regularly fly my 310HP Ovation from Las Vegas to Houston. About 6 hours or so in the air, although I like to make a leg stretch stop in Roswell. anywhere from 12-17k altitude, true in the mid 170's between 10.5 and 11.5 GPH. Great birds. I've always wondered about the Fuel efficiency of an Acclaim S - perhaps the acclaim drivers can shine some light on it. Agree with @donkaye- the 310 HP makes a big difference in the Ovation in terms of T/O and climb particularly when its hot, high and heavy. I'm assuming that one could fly an Acclaim S in the low teens and similar settings to an ovation or does the turbo make it much more thirsty? West to east, getting into the FL's would be great, but certainly not the other way.
  4. BTW - I will be removing my broken gauges and having them repaired. Will put them up here when they're done...... we need to keep these things in circulation.
  5. Finally!!! Thanks @JustusSJ - the unobtanium has been obtained! These are going on this week.
  6. Join the list! If you do a search on here, you’ll see we just had a thread about this. The gauges are presently unobtainium.
  7. If you're interested in a 6, I know of an available off market creampuff, previously owned by a major celebrity. It's located in Texas. DM me if interested
  8. Absolutely. That's why I got it. I'm going to use it for almost all of my flights.
  9. Thanks so much for this!
  10. Love my SXM and the added functionality and the integration into my panel (G3X, 750 etc). I fly primarily XC trips (not too many hamburger runs) and find the extra situational awareness well worth the price. Plus the music is great on those long flights. I won't be canceling anytime soon - at least not until Starlink mini antenna gets smaller (or fuselage mounted) and the subscription plan comes down to less than $120/mo.
  11. So I'll chime in here. I love my Ovation 3. IMO opinion there's not a better plane out there (of course, that's IMO!). It's not cheap. Maintenance is expensive. Speedbrakes, glass panel, TKS etc etc look far beyond the purchase price at what it will cost you. I wasn't originally looking at a Mooney - I was convinced I needed a bird that could haul me, my wife and occasionally an adult kid or two as we visited family between Vegas, Texas, Oregon and Denver. Luckily, my wife disabused me of that notion very quickly and we fly the O3 on long XC often, the two of us and our 2 dogs. it's tight. Period. I couldn't imagine taking my wife, 3 small kids and baggage in it. Even though I have a 1100# UL the space is tight. Best plane for your mission? Price/functionality is probably a Saratoga Turbo SP (early model) or a Turbo Lance. Plenty of space, useful load and a lower starting price point. Make sure you get the ones with the intercooler mod. If you do get a Mooney and can adjust your mission, you'll love it - whichever one you choose.
  12. Just received my Inogen G5. My O3 doesn’t have factory 02 and I make a lot of long distance XC between Las Vegas and and Texas, usually in the mid to high teens. My Ox sat is a little low at the best of times. Filling my portable 02 bottle on a regular basis has become a PIA, even if I can find someone to do it. So, along comes the Inogen. Any tips for use? I’m having a power adaptor put in next week (and breaker) so it can run on ships power. Anyone use it for 2 people (I believe there’s a split cannula available at aviationoxygen.com Any input would be helpful.
  13. I have Cies senders. They are very accurate. Combined with my G3X and the engine data that automatically downloads to my ipad, I can see the exact fuel quantity I have at shutdown. While I love wing gauges for their convenience, I don't need them.
  14. You could fly a lot closer to peak or go ROP - at that altitude you can’t generate enough power to damage the engine. Also, try swinging the prop closer to 2500 rpm? I have an O3 so cruise at 2550.
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