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  1. If this is true, it would be great for me!
  2. I would love to assist! 1970f owner with a beautiful dynon panel. And access to 3d imaging equipment.
  3. I'll chime in I wish/hope they continue to expand on the models that are supported. There are a lot of F's, G's, E's and C's out there that would love to have it.
  4. Did you ever get a video? How do you like them?
  5. @Rusty Pilot give me a few days and I'll send some pics. I think i might have something that will work well. Other than no text in my picture are your lights that bright?
  6. Thank you! that is exactly what i needed (assuming that is correct for my 1970m20f)
  7. Apologize for the poor quality picture, but can someone tell me what these Lights are supposed to say (Green is Gear Down)? And any suggestions on making new labels?
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